@gottago42: The Virtual Boy was not a true VR headset. It was a screen you looked into that just happened to be in 3D. The headset had no motion controls when you moved your head around. What is coming out with the Oculus, PSVR, and the like, is real VR tech.
@mjc0961: It's a preference, I get why people enjoy their rumble. I'm just happy the console designers gave us the option to turn the thing off. I do turn it off because I don't care about it, but I also turn it off because I haven't really gotten used to rumble like everyone else has. When I go play at a friend's house, and the controller suddenly vibrates, it usually scares the ever living crap outta me.
@ztype85: I should have began that comment with "You're absolutely right" because I was agreeing with you. Reading my comment now looks like I didn't see the point of yours. Thank you, Aeon rules. Back when MTV was not only watchable, but damned great! Now it's damned garbage.
@ps3gamer1234: I'm mainly a console gamer and never really cared about rumble. I have the feature disabled on all of my consoles. I'm sure PC gamers would hate for the mouse to vibrate when trying to line up a shot.
@CptJohnnyRico: It actually says in the article that it can be used for custom logos. So yes, maybe? A cool feature for all of those people that love customizing their gear.
scatterbrain007's comments