My computer probably won't be able to run this the way I want it. Kinda wished he'd port it over to consoles, but I'm EXTREMELY happy it's a space combat sim. That genre (my second favorite genre) needs to make a comeback! Chris Roberts is probably the only game designer that can make that happen.
I certainly hope that the social application attached to this "next-gen" console isn't the killer app for the system. If that's the truth, then the system will probably fail. The killer app for any new console better be a freaking video game and not some Facebook clone.
You guys need to put the Game Play podcast under the culture tab up there. The Hot Spot has been gone for a while now. I like this website, but trying to find the newer video casts or a podcasts is nigh impossible. Looking at the url this podcast is supposed to be under "features"...what the hell guys?
The Last Guardian will be a PS4 show piece. It's going to show us what the system is capable of. We all know that when knew systems come out the games seem to get better looking. The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, if you look at it today is pretty dated (still friggin' fun though). Fast foward a couple of years later after the tech matures, and take a look at Skyrim, MGS4, and Killzone 3. Huge difference.
I'm still not that excited about this one. I won't be until I see some game play or something. Is there any new game play of this game out there right now? I've already seen the one with the watermelons a couple of years ago.
scatterbrain007's comments