Hey all~ A tornado hit the town I'm from, Greeley, CO, and the towns around it yesterday. Greeley doesn't look too bad, but Windsor, which isn't far, was practically flattened. I have been able to reach all of my family in Greeley, and they are okay--but I have some friends I still haven't been able to contact about 15 minutes out of Greeley. Please pray everyone is okay. The news says one man was killed in Windsor, so please pray for his family too. As for the update on the Chapman family-- Maria's memorial service will be held tomorrow morning at 11. I think it would be wonderful for those of us who can't possibly be there take a moment at 11 to stop whisper a prayer for that family. The only other information I have is that Shaohannah's Hope, the adoption funding organization that Steven and Mary Beth founded 7 years ago to help families afford adoptions (shaohannahshope.com) has set up a fund called the "Maria Miracle Fund" where you can make a donation in memory of Maria. Because of Steven's popularity, and the overwhelming response of the fans to this tragedy, the Chapmans are asking that in lieu of flowers you donate to Shaohannah's Hope through Maria's Miracle Fund. 14,000 people have left messages on the blog set up for messages to Steven, Mary Beth and the kids. Please take a moment to leave your prayers as well.
Here is the link to that blog, as well as a video that Steven and Maria made a couple months ago. It's very sweet. Some of you may not know why this is hitting me so hard. I have never told this in public before, but I would really like to share this testimony now--so you know what a blessing Steven has been to me, and why the Chapmans' grief is shared by me. I had two brothers plus Macy. Both of my brothers died many years ago, but their deaths are still very real to me. About four years ago, I was in a bad place. I was just raw with the grief of my brothers' deaths in a new and very debilitating way. Steven's music and testimonies, in part, pulled me out of that place. Don't misunderstand me--I still mourn my brothers...but so many of Steven's songs changed my perspective from a grief that was hurting me, to a grief that changed my life to include the memory of my brothers--while still moving forward. I have never been able to choose my favorite SCC song, but there are four that have touched me probably more than others: "Magnificant Obsession," "With Hope," and "Coming Attractions," and "Please Only You." I realize that this is a long blog, and I'm sorry--but I can't get past the feeling that one of you or maybe more really need to hear this. "Magnificant Obsession" and "Please Only You" reminded me that God is in control. And not just the way everyone says it--without thinking about it...just parroting something they've always heard. It slammed into me, that because of not letting myself heal over the pain--I wasn't letting God have that portion of my heart. He wasn't my only "Obsession" and that kind of grief grieved Him...not pleased Him. "With Hope"--of course, reminded me that even in grief--we have hope, because of Jesus, my brothers aren't gone forever. I will see them again. I know Steven and Mary Beth take comfort in this in a new and very real way now. Finally, "Coming Attractions" has my all time favorite line from a SCC song. "Let my life be a preview of coming attractions." I only hope that my presence here on this site, in my community and all of those I touch can see Heaven through me and feel the need to be closer to God. I "knew" all of these things. I grew up in church--it was nothing I had never heard before. But the Lord worked through Steven to show it to me in a new and perfect way. I will always be eternally grateful for that. I hope this testimony means something to you--even if you can just rejoice as a fellow believer in yet another way that God works through those who are willing. Thanks for listening, and please--keep praying for the Chapman family, and those who were affected by the CO tornado. Thanks. Always, Kas
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