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scc1fan Blog

5.22.08 - UPDATE Maria Chapman

Hey Everyone~ has been shut down due to extreme traffic today. There is a message on there from the Chapman family, but most of all--to those of you who now want to send something--go to this blog. It was set up especially for condolences for the Chapman. "In Memory of Maria" If you have ever been touched by Steven's ministry or are even just a fellow believer--please take a moment and write a short note saying that this family is in your thoughts and prayers. Nearly 6000 have posted on this blog already. Please--let them know you care. Kas

5.22.08 - Maria Chapman - Please Pray for SCC and Family

Hey all~ I am just sick with the news that Steven Curtis Chapman's youngest daughter, Maria Sue Chapman, was killed yesterday in a tragic accident at their house. I have been crying all morning, and just can't stand to write everything that happened. Please read here to find out the whole story. I will be making a tribute to Maria and sending it to Steven, so if you want--leave any comments you want sent along in this blog and I will include them. And most of all--pray for the Chapman family. Their hearts have to be breaking, and God is the only One that will be able to help that. Thanks, Kas

5.13.08 - Business Practices

Hey all~ So I need some opinions... If someone ran out of toner on Friday, and called the copier place to have them come and replace it, and was told it would be done Fri. afternoon...would you be ticked that it's Tuesday afternoon and it's stil not done? Maybe I'm just being too touchy, but I seriously need this guy to come on and come fix my copier. I can't send or receive faxes my toner is so low, and it's a small office--so it's the only fax/copier machine. Am I wrong? I didn't even get lunch today, because the guy wouldn't say when he was coming, and I'm too afraid I'll miss him. grrr. Kas

5.2.08 - Do this...because I rock, that's why

Hey everybody~ I'm sitting here at work eating a pp&j sandwich. Working lunch! :) this's really hard. The rule is you can only use ONE WORD ANSWERS! Okay? Here goes...*sighs* What, Patrick? No...just one word. One. ONE!!!! Okay...there, you got it. :P 1. Where is your cell phone? pocket 2. Your significant other? missing 3. Your hair? blonde 4. Your Mother? rocks 5. Your father? working 6. Your favorite thing? God 7. Your dream last night? non-existent (one word...hyphenated, but one word. :)) 8. Your favorite drink? DDP (:P) 9. Your dream/goal? Married 10. The room you're in? working 11. Your ex? gone 12. Your fear? water 13. Where do you want to be in 6 yrs? married 14. Where were you last night? bed 15. What are you not? dead:P 16. Muffins? chocolate 17. One of your wish list items? books 18. Where you grew up? Colorado 19. The last thing you did? ate 20. What are you wearing? jeans 21. Your TV? broken:( 22. Your pets? dog 23. Your computer? friend 24. Your life? full 25. Your mood? happy 26. Missing someone? yes 27. Your car? outside 28. Something you're not wearing? ring 29. Favorite Store? clothes 30. Your summer? convention 31. Like someone? *blushes* 32. Your favorite color? orange 33. When is the last time you laughed? today 34. Last time you cried? evening 35. Who will/would re-post this? clueless hehe! That was fun! Thanks to Blu for the quiz. You guys try--it's fun! Love ya'll, Always, Kas

4.30.08 - Update, weirdness, convention

Hey all~ Update on me...I'm beautiful.:P I know you were all holding your breath for that announcement, so carry on with your normal lives again. :) Weirdness around the site...I don't get it. It took me years and tons of submissions to get to Level 50, and there are tons of people who are level 50 who have done o much less than me! One person has like only 700 submissions! It's weird...and pretty annoying.:roll: The Texas State Republican Convention is coming up in June,a nd I will be there! It's going to be cool. Spending a bit of money, but it's worth it--because I've never been to something like it before. Been to a precinct and county convention before, but never a state. And I've never been to Houston (I know...lived in Texas for ages and there's tons of important Texas locations I've never been to.:roll: ) so that'll be cool. Maybe I'll get a picture with the Gov. and post it. :) Sooo.....what's up with all you other beautiful people?:) Kas

4.8.08 ~ Kas

Hey everyone~ I know it has been ages since I've talked to you guys. I've been having a really rough time lately, and frankly hasn't been that high on the priority list. But I'm trying to pull myself out of that and I'm here, okay? :) Tons has happened since a month ago when I last talked to most of you, but I just don't have the capability to go through it all right now. I just wanted to say hey, and I'm here--and please don't think I abandoned you. I will try to write a better blog tomorrow, but until then--know that you're loved by me, Always, Kas

3.6.08 Tagged

Apparently there is a game of tag going on, in which I am supposed to name 5 things about myself in a blog then tag five people to do the same. And since I was tagged by Maria and I go.:) 1. I am single 2. I am a HUGE SCC fan (no duh:P) 3. My very first editorship here was for Steven Curtis Chapman 4. I am very psyched that we get new episodes of my favorite shows this season.:) 5. I still say...dark chocolate Kit-Kats were given to man by God.:) Alright... I TAG: Mafeu 123Home123 Mad_Buck Cubtracker JPPT Ya'll are it...*cue dramatic music*...are you up to the challenge?;) Later--I have something cool to tell you, but I'll tell you tomorrow.:) Love ya'll-- Always, Kas

3.3.08 - Slow Start but Picking Up Speed

Hey everyone~ Well--I got a slow start to Level 50, but it's picking up now. I'm hoping to get Level 51 soon. Of course...I'm looking forward to being "Texas Ranger" and a "General Lee".:) Almost 200 subs from me within the past three days, so that's something. On TV: Watched Kyle XY and Wildfire tonight. Kyle XY-[spoiler] I think it's really cliche that they made Sarah be alive, though it does add drama. And next week's looks supreme...looking forward to that. Almost the finale though.:( [/spoiler] As for's one of those shows I'll watch if I have time...but it's so depressing sometimes, you know? Can't the writer's ever give the characters a break? Does absolutely everything have to be quite so angsty? It gets tedious. As for Real Life--not a lot going on. Pretty boring, really, except that I'm in the middle of the last Left Behind book, Kingdom Come--which had an incredibly slow start, but is finally getting interesting. I'm a huge fan of the Left Behind Books...but I seriously almost gave up on this one. If anyone tried and stopped--I'm telling you--it does get better...they just made it practically unbearable for about the first four chapters. Yikes! Hope everyone is doing well. You know I love ya'll--:) ALways, Kas

2.24.08 - Whoa--Level 50 for two subs?

'Kay...not that I'm extremely upset that I hit Level 50...but isn't that going a bit far? I mean...49%? I made two subs, posted a blog and answered one PM. It just seems like a slap int he face of the people who actually worked to get as high as they are. Even me--I worked really hard to get to Level 49. Took me the better part of two years. Is everyone going to be moving like this now? As for everyone who answered my last blog--thanks for your kind words. I'm still a bit bummed...not really in the mood to do a lot or write, but I'm trying to feel better.:) Love ya'll, Always, Kas