Yay I got to the 10000 achievment points mark.
I also finished Assassin's Creed and I found it fun, repetitive, yes, but fun. Not quite as bad as EGM said but not quite as good as other websites have said. I mainly enjoyed the fighting. Still not a great game but a pretty good experience. I'd say about a 6.5.
Midsummer festival is going on in WoW. I managed to visit most fires in the zones. only have 13 left to visit. It's pretty fun. Gives you a lot of free money. I also got a midsummer festival special item called the brazier of dancing flames. basically it's a little flaming dancing lady and if you dance with her you turn into a regular sized dancing lady. So a couple of my friends and I were just dancing with it in Stormwind and we got a bunch of people to join in. We had a pretty good time.
I've also been extemely sick yesterday. Probably sicker than I've been a very long time. It was horrible. I have violently thrown up 5 times and wasn't able to do much else but lay on the floor or bend over a bucket. So not very fun, but I'm somewhat better now so that's good.
Well that's it for now. I'm still crazy excited for Diablo 3 even though I don't expect it to come out til 2009, but I'm excited. Also my next gamefly game should be Battlefield Bad Company. Not sure if it will be but that should be the next game I play. So that'll be pretty fun.
- Scorched1992
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