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scorched1992 Blog

Giant Bomb Has Launched!

Hey dudes go check out right now. So far it looks freakin awsome go claim your name without your birthday or a bunch of random numbers and x's get excited guys it's awesome.

So yeah Giant Bomb Beta is released. Check it out.

Sorry I'm just really excited about it. I love those guys. My new profile name there is Scorched.


I'm Back and Greeted by Red Rings

I had a lot of fun on my vacation. It was really great. The cruise was a lot of fun. All the crew was new though so sometimes no one really knew what was going on which sometimes got annoying. It wasn't the best cruise I've been on but also not the worst. When we stopped at Nassau my family stayed at the Atlantis hotel for a day. Atlantis has an amazing water park. Probably the most well designed water ride there is the lazy river type ride. It starts off like a lazy river but you make a turn and it turns into very quick rapids. There's one part where you go through a thin area with high walls and hundreds of gallons of water is unleahsed at you all at once. I was flipped out of my tube a few times by this. Throughout the river you choose which way you would like to go so the experience varies every time. One option takes you up to a temple looking structure that stands high above the trees. A lift takes you to the top of the temple and you can choose from three intense slides. Anyway it was all very fun.

Anyway when I got home and fired up my 360 after playing for awhile I was greeted by a red ring. I sighed and turned the console off waiting a few moments then turned it back on. The 360 lasted through the rest of the night. However after waking up this morning 10 minutes ago I turned on my xbox and had teh red rings of death again and did not recover.:cry: Oh well I knew this would happen sometime.

Also on E3 I haven't checked out much yet, but I've scanned the news and checked a Resident Evil 5 and Fallout 3 demo. I haven't seen any press conferences yet. Anyway I heard E3 was kind of a let down this year. I didn't see any surprises in the news. Please point out any exciting news I may have missed. Anyway I'm going to check out all the stuff now so check back later.

Also I may not be able to post as frequently as I have marching band practice every day til school starts now and I also have failed to finish my summer homework so this could be my last "real" post for awhile. I'll probably still post little updates like whenever my 360 returns or whenever I send it off or if I purchase a new game. Stuff like that. Anyway later, have a good day.

- Scorched1992

Good Bye

Well looks like I'm going to miss E3 again this year.:(

Oh well I'll get to check out all the new stuff when I get back, but anyway I'm going away on a nine day cruise tomorrow. It should be nice and relaxing and hey it should be better than sitting at home watching E3 coverage. I can't wait to hear all the news. Hey last time I left Diablo 3 was announced so maybe something else big will be announced. Well anyway I can't wait. I hope everyone enjoys E3. I think it'll be pretty good. You'll hear from me again in a little over a week.



Awesome Game Gift

So I was walking through a store not related to gaming at all and something catchs my eye. Alien Disco Safari.

After seeing this I bursted out laughing. Alien Disco Safari, really? Anyay a friend of mine has a birthday coming up and I decided to purchase it for him as a gag gift. I'll also slip a Game Stop gift card in the box. Anyway I thought that was really funny. I can't believe they actually make games like this.


10,000 Gamer Score

Yay I got to the 10000 achievment points mark.

I also finished Assassin's Creed and I found it fun, repetitive, yes, but fun. Not quite as bad as EGM said but not quite as good as other websites have said. I mainly enjoyed the fighting. Still not a great game but a pretty good experience. I'd say about a 6.5.

Midsummer festival is going on in WoW. I managed to visit most fires in the zones. only have 13 left to visit. It's pretty fun. Gives you a lot of free money. I also got a midsummer festival special item called the brazier of dancing flames. basically it's a little flaming dancing lady and if you dance with her you turn into a regular sized dancing lady. So a couple of my friends and I were just dancing with it in Stormwind and we got a bunch of people to join in. We had a pretty good time.

I've also been extemely sick yesterday. Probably sicker than I've been a very long time. It was horrible. I have violently thrown up 5 times and wasn't able to do much else but lay on the floor or bend over a bucket. So not very fun, but I'm somewhat better now so that's good.

Well that's it for now. I'm still crazy excited for Diablo 3 even though I don't expect it to come out til 2009, but I'm excited. Also my next gamefly game should be Battlefield Bad Company. Not sure if it will be but that should be the next game I play. So that'll be pretty fun.

- Scorched1992

Holy Crap, Diablo III

Diablo III for PC - Diablo III PC Game - Diablo III Computer Game

While I was away it appears that I missed the announcement of Diablo III. I haven't checked out much of the info yet but after being home for awhile I decided to check out the front page of Gamespot to see if anything big has happened in the gaming world and it appears to have happened. Anyway I'm super excited for this game.


Also just got Assasins Creed in from Game Fly. We'll see how I like that. So far only played about 30mins of it and it's going pretty slow, hopefully it'll speed up though. I'm going to get to some Assasins Creed now. It's nice to finally relax and to come home to the great news of Diablo 3.

Whoops, Gone Again

So I'm going off again. Guess I was wrong about not going anywhere else this summer. This time I bought a new DS game for the road, and it is Space Invaders Extreme for the DS. From the little I've played of it I've really enjoyed it. It seems really cool, but we'll see what I think about it after hours on the road with it. Also I've had the urge to play Civilization 4 and STALKER for some reason. I'm not really sure why but I've been playing a good bit of both of those. It has been really fun. I'm packing right now because I leave tomorrow so this will just be a short post.

- Scorched 1992

What I've Been Up to the Past Couple of Weeks

So it's still summer. I've been doing a lot of gaming while I've been home along with a lot of yard work, fun, but hey it makes me money, and no money = no games which = :(. Right now I haven't been set on any one game. I sent GTA 4 back yesterday. I found after I beat the story all I was just working for the achievements and found myself not having as much fun so I sent it back. I also saw the new hulk movie this week. That was fun and much better than I expected. Also discovered the separte ways story, where you play as Ada, in Resident Evil 4 along with the Merceneries game and the professional diffuculty. I guess I missed it last time because after I finished the first play through I figured I was done, but I guess not. Anyway I finished the seperate ways story and also got 4 stars on one of the merceneries levels. I've also been play CoH as usual. I seem to have lost my touch, I'll probably be changing my strat soon. I've pretty much just been jumping around games. I've played a little bit of Battlefied 2142 and Battlefield 2 and found I much prefer BF2. I haven't been playing WoW as much and neither have my friends. I still enjoy it but do not find the need to play it all the time. It's much more fun to move around games, but I have a couple of friends that just play WoW and pretty much no other game. I don't find that too exciting. I've been hearing a lot about age of conan and have thought about trying that out for the free month the game gives you, but I'll probably just pass it by and save my money for something else. I've also tried out the Bad Company demo. The multiplayer is a lot of fun.

Oh yes and the Spore Creature Creator has arrived. I've had a lot of fun with that. It's gotten me very excited for Spore.

If you want to check out my creatures my account name is scorched. I'm not sure how the hole sporepedia thing works yet because I haven't messed with it much but hopefully that's enough info.

the backside of a creature I created

- Scorched1992

2 Games Completed Today

Today I have completed GTA 4 and Penny Arcade Adventures: On the Rain Slick Precipice of Darkness Episode 1. They both had really satisfying endings although GTA's was not the happiest of endings it was still a satisfying story. I really enjoyed both games the whole way through and recommend them both. You're sure to have a lot of fun with them, unless you hate Penny Arcade then you might not like that game but the gameplay is actually suprisingly good.

Gone Again

I'm leaving again early tomorrow and I won't be back for another week. This is the last thing I have planned this summer though so I should just be home the rest of the time.