Gameplay wise FFXII is MILES ahead...,they've modernized it,by adding elements of MMORPG.Yeah there are some not so good parts,but they kind of give the game newer feel and might have been better if they had been refined a bit.But story wise,the game doesnt have the same driving force.Maybe because the characters werent as well fleshed out and the character interactions were down to a minimum...and the main hero till now(I'm not done with the game yet..nearly done though..last boss) hasnt had a really powerfull role in the game..something was missing...just cant lay a finger,the story could've been properly put..
FFX has a a story that'll make you feel like finishing it asap,to know what happens in the end..but game play wise it lacks some new elements brought to the table by FFXII..ike the new battle system
So you've gotta decide if you want a good story and an ok game or a good game with a...different story..(I wouldnt call it bad..)
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