Bioshock INfinite looks fricken schmick as in visuals, i mean the game looks epic! But Yeah Unreal Engine 3 whoa. Like Homefront was terrible on UE3 and many others games have looked crap on Unreal. How does it looks so good on UE3, interested? Thx
scorchingitup's forum posts
It's been 3 days since it was suposed to come out and it is still not on the PSN in Aus, when will it be??
Hey all i would like to have a new website to go to, check out. I already have a usual browse of facebook, gamespot, ign and youtube. Could you sugest a website to check out, thx.
Well because, can you maybe make the web shooters and some sort of suction cup in real life and yeah. Probably not but yeah what do you think?
How was Unreal engine 4 for you, better then say idtech 5 or Cryengine? Compared to the engines that lead todays best looking games? What'd you think?
No doubt mate, that is how it all happens right.yea take it from me get ya homework done straight away then get gaming. but like people are saying you ain't even in the real world yet you have it easy.
Every kid dreams of getting older for more time, thats wat i remember being at school thinking i'll have so much time when i leave this boring school, you don't take into consideration, that you have to normally work alot more hours, then get a bit older pay bills clean your house sort your garden, then have a girlfriend taking her out entertaining her, then the kids come along, i'm an out and out gamer, all i ever did was play games, now it's work 9-5 every day i get home i have my tea by the time i sit down it's time to feed my little one then it's time for there bath then it's time for thier bed and by the time you realise it's getting on to 9pm, sounds early but not when the kid gets up for half 6 most morning so you have to get to bed a bit early to get some good shut eye, then it starts all over again, then weekends come round and it's house work doing the house up getting little times to play games, on top of all that still keeping your mrs happy without her nagging at you for not doing something, or moaning that she does most of the work because i have to work. If you can find time in all that to actually sit down and enjoy a good session on a game please tell me how. i get the odd half hour every other day if possible.
don't wish ur life away wen in school because it doesnt get easier it gets harder first.
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