scott1213 / Member

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scott1213 Blog

Join this site!!!  If you see jason thats my user name. Im a mod. First one to join and post once on a thread gets to be a mod. Thats no lie.

 Butters is the owner. He on GameSpot. Butters121. Think of it. just like GS. Come on we need more people!!!!!!!!

Things I did on the curise and.........I`M BACK!

1. My cousin is 20, he won 5,000!!!!:o He gave me 1,000!!!!!

2. I pranked someone on the walkly talkly. She said: Emily where are you. answer me. I said: here moron. She said: Emily? I said:WHAT!!!!!!!!!. She said: I this one of your friends, there is gonna be trouble. I said: so. She said: Want to get your hair braded? I was in Bermuta and I saw her out on standing outside by the curise. I said: SHUT UP!!!! She said: when I get you Im gonna f*** you up. End of story.

3.I went to Maine and Bermuta.

4. Played in the game room.

Just so you know, I was on the Carnival Legend.

I tell you more later. I have things to do.

300 friends!!!!!!!!!!!

I will have a  sig when I come back from the curise. 4/26/06 5:00 pm.

Cont keeping track of my friends!

Here is one cool sig: Thats it.