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scott12345 Blog

Saw Benchwarmers and Ice Age 2!!!

These movies are the greatest!

Benchwarmers: 9.8 out of 10 MUST SEE NOW!!! Highlight: The black kid that spits when he talks. I was cracking up so hard!!!!!!!!! And when he spits in slow-mo!!! LOL LOL!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! Funniest movie i saw in a LONG time!

Ice Age 2: 9.4 out of 10. Not as good as the first one, but its still a classic that will be seen and liked forever.Highlight: Scratch (acorn lover squirrle), the bass in the movie theartere, and the part when the mamoth croses the geyser field and he gets hit and then its like slow motion type silent awesomeness. 


I went to both of these in the movie theatre 2 days in a row. I went to see ice age 2 with my mom at the 10th, and i saw benchwarmers with my friends at the theartre at the 11th. Thats my record! 2 movies in 2 days at the movies!!!!!

Spring Break!!

YEAHH!!! Finally! I get this week off. I dont know what im going to do. Go to my friends house hopefully. Maybe drive my RC car.

Active Union Day!

Hey guys this is a telegram i sent out to all the Black Shooter Union members today. If you would like to particiapte in this event, dont hesitate.

Heres a link to the union

Tomorrow, (today is the 3rd) the union is having an active union day! I will have this kind of day every 3 to 6 weeks. The active union day means to post A TON in the board and homepage! Like posting in old great topics we have in the board, make new topics, and invite your friends, etc. Basically be REALLY active on the 4th (tomorrow). Post more then you do or start posting in this union if you havnt yet! You guys can catch up on things in the union like the

poll v11. Please vote in this! We only have 34 votes!

The official gun tournament

And the new name voting

And all OT topics we have in the board such as the poster above of you game, this or that, the word association, the chain game, and more!!!

Please participate in this event! I will send you guys a PM tomorrow to remind you. Get ready to post!
Heres the union board link
And heres the homepage link

Thanks guys and post A TON tomorrow! Bring a little more life in the union to make it one of the best unions on Gamespot. Thanks and i will see you tomorrow!
Scott12345 the leader of the black shooter union.

Beat BLACK!!!

On hard mode! Finally! I mustve tried the last battle 15 times! And it must of took me 4 hours total om the last battle! Those stupid RPG guys. Now for black ops, grrrrrr.....

I got them rubber band thingys.

Ouch. Theyre so sore right now! They already got annoying in one day! I was told that if you keep them out of your mouth for more then 20 minutes the whole time you had them in your mouth restarts and you have to start over! Geez. Then for lunch i had marshmellows all over my braces and i had to clean them off before i could put them in my mouth and that took me like 5 minutes! I cannot eat lunch in 20 minutes everyday! 25 at the least becasue i like to talk to my friends and eat snacks like those star crunch things, and these new marshmellow things we got. So yeah its going to be hard.

I got BLACK!

Woooo! I hope my union overflows with posts! I am doing normal mode first. I am NOT cheating, except fot the BFG. If you beat it on normal, hard and black ops it gives you extra guns. Thats why im doing normal first.