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scottieGGGG Blog

Lost interest in

I really enjoyed this site a few years ago, but I have officially lost interest in this site. I still watch the same amount of tv, but this site just doesn't do it anymore.

The biggest thing I liked when I joined was the custom news. At one time, there was a segment that would report new information about shows listed in your favorite list. This has been broken for way too long.

Either way, I'm said not to be coming back to, but it just hasn't been able to stay fresh and exciting.



WGA Strike partly on the Viewers

Looks like the strike is further away from ending then most viewers have hoped, after this week's ending of talks. And this has got me thinking that perhaps the viewers are partly (not mostly), but partly to blame.

From what I understand, one primary issue is the paymentto the writers when the shows are sold on "newer media channels." So, in other words, payments for sales over the web via Amazon / iTunes.. etc. Apparently, the writers want their share but the company's say there's not enough money to go around.

My ansewr to this is.... raise the price. If not enough to pay everyone, I guess to need to seel for more money. Instead of $3 a show, make it $5. Or whatever it needs to be to make it work.

But the reason they cannot raise prices is because it would just lead to more viewers posting full episodes illegally online. The price needs to be practically free, because it's not much harder to find free episodes of shows. And that's not the company's fault.. or the writer's fault.. that's our fault.. the viewers that both share as well as those that download / support these sites.

What I never see mentioned on this front is that the biggest reason networks began pushing website episodes was NOT because it makes money. If that were the case, a good business model would have been made, and it would have been rolled out in grand fashion.. Instead, the viewers started distributing things themselves, causing the production company's to panic. They were just trying to stop the bleeding like the music industry had to with Napster. Make it dirt cheap because that's the only way to battle "free stuff."

Obviously, we see where that has landed us. Now, the writers (soon to be directors and producers and stagehands) are mad there's not enough money for them, which for the record I completely support. If it takes three years to get this right, that's fine. I need to get out of the house more anyway :-)

It does suck, I know. I want new shows back as much as the next guy. But this strike is here to point out how important these workers are to our entertainment. So.. show some respect and pay for what entertains you. Stop illegal downloading and video sharing and help show the industry we'll pay you for a job well done.

It just isn't right to have local copy, on-demand, full length, hi-res, commerical free episodes without paying something. That model just doesn't work.

John From Cincy

I must say... John from Cincinnati has been interesting. Many moments you have no idea what's going on... but it remains to be entertaining in an odd way. It's kinda like Lost, but without any answers... ever. Lost only answers half of them. But the characters are interesting and the acting is great (short of the kid).

With the season finale coming up... I'm hoping some things do come around and are cleared up. I'm not asking for every answer.. but at least some direction would be nice. If the season ends like every other episode... I'll have doubts this show will come back.

Fall 2007 Premiere Dates

Not really a blog message, more of a notepad for me to collect all premiere dates for shows I watch. Feel free to comment on them, of course.

September 17th
Prison Break

September 24th

September 25th

September 26th
Bionic Woman

September 27th
Office, ER

September 28th

October 23, 2007

Fun week on this site.

Well... since most everyone has experienced the new submission sytem by now.. and all the great little bugs we get to work through, I figured it was at least worth mentioning it in a new blog post.

For the most part, I'd say I'm have an average experience of problems. As an editor of just one show, I certaining not swampped with submissions. Nor do I have a long list of episodes / cast lists to work and re-work. However, I do have a summer show, so it's tricky to keep things up-to-date each week when new submissions have problems going in.

Really quick, I'd just like to mention that I'm still, and will always be AMAZED by the people that serveral, if not LOTS, of shows they are editor for. Surely, I understand that people are fans of many shows. But I don't see the drive to try and earn the editorship for more shows. Personally, I like a good amount of shows. The ones I like most, I contribute to. If I have the editorship for the show... more power to me. But I'm not going to go out and try to look up stuff on shows just to earn points for it. I don't think I could properly manage all the shows I have "earned." I seems like many editors then reward other users with TU status. This way, they can delegate the show to someone else. But, in my opinion, if you don't have the time to work your queue for that site, then why not just retire the show to one of the TUs.

When the system went crazy last week, one of the popular bugs was the TU's lost premissions. With that, it bought up how many TUs are truly running the show guides. I see a couple editors with issues that "my TUs cannot get things done". Maybe I just don't understand the TU thing. I don't have a TU on Entourage, and I don't really plan to have one. I feel that I've I'm ready to have someone have TU status, I should just retire all together. Apparently I don't have the time to work the show anymore.

As of today, the things that are still going wrong with my world is:
1. the empty submission in my queue, but I think almost everyone has this by now
2. not able to edit existing cast. Very problematic because during the first couple days of new system, guest stars were submitted as "Self", which is not the convention on the Entourage guide. I want to go back and resubmit, but no way to at the moment.
3. Despite the fact that recurring stars is suppose to be easier, every submission I make to add one to the show guide never seems to take
4. Cannot seem to add writer/directors to new shows. I haven't tried in a few days, I guess I should try again.

I guess my biggest desire is to hear from someone that is in charge, giving us some status on the bugs. Suring there is the S.I.G. thread in the editors forum... but it's still a pain to read through. Even a mass PM to every user... or every editor... just as a "yeah.. we know. Stuff broke. These things are fixed. These things are broke still... for to be fixed by (insert date here)... yada..yada..yada". Just to hear something would be a good sign.

Hannah Montana?? Seriously?

So, yesterday I log into andnoticedthatHannah Montana was the numberoneMost Popular show on I actually took adouble take.Hannah who? After clicking on the link I come to findit is a show on Disney, which explains why I've never heard of it. As the day goes on, and I continueon to myvarious internet stops for sports scores and other news, I see that it was a big Hannah day. Many other stories were showing up about some new CD or DVD or something. I didn't read any of the stories, but I wrote off the numberone spot as a daily surge for the show.

However, next day comes and she's still sitting there. Now... either the site has a bug (which is certainly a good chance)... or I've completely under estimated the demographic of this site. Further down the top ten include the shows Avatar andNaruto, both animation shows. Now, I don't watch either and I'd expect them to have some adult followings, in that "I like comic books" kinda way. Which is completely fine... to each their own.. and if you enjoy it, roll with it. But I'm still amazing that more main stream dramas and comedies are not more popular on this site. And three of the top ten shows are of the category "kids' shows."

Now, fan sites like this one always suffer from not always following what the rest of America watchs, so "popular" is only for those that come here. The fact that this is a world wide site will factor into that. Also, some of the most popular shows on TV ("Idol", "Smarter.. 5th grader", "So You.. Dance?", etc) don't really have that "run to the forums once it's over" appeal. This explains why cult classics like Lost, Heroes, Prison Break, Smallville seem to dominate the top ten, when these shows are mostly "average" when it comes to actual tv ratings.

But Hannah Montana? I shouldn't mock something I've never watched. I'm sure it's a good show and perhaps a very popular for the pre-teens, but HOW is it more popular than Lost? Ok.. that's not on til January. How about Closer?.. or 4400?.. or Rescue Me?. both are popular cable shows that just started new seasons. I thought Closer was the most watch cable series.... ever.. or whatever those commericals say. Not even top 10 here? At least Entourage made the currently popular list.

Either this site if full of "kids" that have nothing to do all summer but watch their shows and come here (which I won't even begin to say how sad that would be) or the quality of mainstream television is SO bad that kids shows and cartoons are starting to rule the world, not counting the adult cartoons like Simpsons, FamilyGuy and South Parkof course.

Sporting a new icon

I've been searching for a new tattoo (my third and final one.. I swear) and came across this alien snowboarder guy. Since I snowboard myself, I wanted the final tat to be related to that in someway (snow, winter, riding... something). I've been hunting for months, and I think this might be the winner.

Figuring I'm on this site quite often, I decided to change up my icon here and see if I get used to it.

Also, I'm officially blogging about something non-tv related. I'm growing worried that I'm turning into a high schooler. The fact that they have "category" onblog entries now makes me thing they want people to start putting all kinds of things on this site.

Chat was a bust

Well.. the Entourage Chat was a bust. Not very organized (if at all), which caused mostly chatting about everything else but the show.

I guess I was expecting more. Granted, I haven't been in a chat room in probably eight years. I guess I figured that by now, in 2007, an "event chat" would be more than justthe AOL chat rooms from the late 90s. Surely, back then, it was interesting for everyone that you could commuicate with others from around the world in real time. But, without some clear topic driving, every one always results in "where you from", "how old are you", yada..yada..yada.

My expectations were more than what was delivered. Since it was an "event" chat, I figured there'd be something related to the event to drive the experience. I've only been in two other offical chats hosted by (check my emblems). One was on accident... and the other one was to see how a chat would be during an awards show. During awards show, I can understand the chat idea a bit more. There's something going on while you talk about the show.

But for this one, nothing was happening to bring everyone together. I understand that this site is worldwide, and it's impossible to have a chat when the show is currently on tv for everyone. So, the timing isn't the problem. The problem is there was no structure. Something/ someone else should have prepared a list of topics, ideas, "What's your favorite ....blank...?" lists, games, etc..etc.

If someone from this site is reading this, take this as a suggestion for future chats. First, get some fans involved. For the show in question, look for the editor or some top contributor to come up with a list of good ideas to talk about. Then, during the chat, have one of them show in a banner or something. For two hour chat, that's only eight topics in 15 minute sessons. Even twelve topics in ten minute sessons would work.

To watch or not to watch.

It's always amazing to me how the business side of television can change the enjoyment of a certain show.  My current "best" example of this is Studio 60.  Just recently, the show has been officially cancelled... (I mean really cancelled.. as in taking down the set cancelled).  However, at the same time, NBC is planning to run off the final episodes after sweeps this month.

So... do I want to watch?  I mean.. when I heard that Drive was cancelled... I just deleted the unwatched episodes from the TiVo.  Despite liking the show.. I knew I would never find closure.  Yet, with 60.. I eager to see the episodes that never aired.  How can that be?  Did I just like it more?  Or is it because it's not a serialized drama.. where you need some answers at some point.  60 is just a drama/comedy that can entertain each week..(or at least it tried).

Which makes me wonder this.  If a show has been on for a couple years... the show becomes attractive once the show is declared "ending."  Look at King of Queens.  I'm not a big fan myself, but now that it's ending... I wouldn't mind seeing how it ends.  It's the complete reverse effect of new shows..... if it looks like they're going to end.. you stop watching.  Certainly odd.

Perhaps, things should be the way I've always hoped.  Certain tv shows.. especially the serialized dramas.. should only run for a set number of seasons up front.  If the viewers knew this was only a single season show.. they can commit with worry of waiting five years for answers.. (just ask all those that have left Lost).  I really wished that Prison Break did this.  It seemed like a good two year show... break out year one... on the run year two.  End.  No extending.. no spin offs.  Just move on.  Allow the actors, writers and directors to make a name for themselves with that single series.  If you want more of them... then sign them up for other work on a new, fresh show.

May is such a great month.

In the world of TV... May is such a great month.

First, there's all the season / series finalies.  Lost and Heroes are at the top of interest to see how they leave things hanging.  Both series are coming back next season and both need to deliver that "summer is just too long" feeling.  I'm sure both will deliver.

Second, the network up-fronts are mid-may.  Get to see how each network will bring new excitement next season ( even over the summer schedules...) and find out which shows are officially renewed.  Can NBC get things rolling again?  What shows are moving timeslots? How will Lost's non-stop season shake up the lineups?  What's the next rookie season hit?

Great month to be a TV fan!

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