So.. I love Tivo. I've owned one since they first appeared on the scene (literally.. I worked at an electronics store. I bought one the month they came in).
Receintly.. I acquired another TiVo from a friend of mine.. and am using it as a second viewer for the bedroom.. plus get's me more storage space... music/photos in the bedroom..etc..etc. In playing with the new setup.. I found another thing that makes tivo better than other dvrs.
My opinion is that TiVo usually just does things better. Not that DVRs don't record shows.. just that the interface is all around cleaner.. easier. So.. in the new two tivo setup.. you can obviously transfer shows between boxes. BUT.. the best part is the ability to transfer from a paused point of a show.
What that means is.. you can be in room 1.. and suddenly need to be in the other room..(say it's bedtime..or someone else needs to watch something in the main room.... whatever.). So.. you pause the show... go to other room.. and start off right from where you were.. No need to transfer the whole show.. just remainder..
Although it's a small little feature.... it's these kinds of things that show how much TiVo is really adapting to the user's needs.. more than just filling the need to record shows.
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