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scouttrooperbob Blog

Call of duty World at war not bad at all

Lots of peoplesaid that WaW was a bad game so I avoided it fora long time.I saw it at gamestop for $20, thought it was a good deal, and bought it.Its amazing! It has a fantastic WW2 feal to it. Its like playing saving private ryan.(minus D-day)


X-box live is down. I finished cod 4 on regular and have started it on vetern, got the your show sucks achievment, knifed three people in a row, and have got half of the intelegence. man live better comback before I have no more campaighn. Oh and take note I know in my owned videogames sectionof the websight I never had gears2 or Hawx. I was trying to put them on m wish list but I accidently added them

my psp

My psp broke or the battery overloaded and I dont want to spend 50 dollars on it so I have to male it in. What a pain. But after I saw the sony press confrence I want my psp in good shape.

you know what realy ticks me off

it ticks me off when people spawn kill on ther own team. I was playing withsomeone on call of duty and eevery time he spawned this guy killed him. It didnt stop untill I took my thomson and bleew the crap out of him but still onother guy killed me

This is one of those days ...

Wow id have to say that today officialy sucked! I got detension for talking with evryone else. I lost my chair in band ( good thing Im not going to so band next year) There is a lot more but I think I know what caused it.I started my say by sitting down in grape coolaid. So If you ever start your day by sitting on coolaid do yourself a favor and go back to bed. Nothing to horrible can happen whilw your asleep exept: sufficating, possable alien abduction, zomby invasion, getting stabbed 37 times in the chest by a llama ( look up llamas with hats on you tube), or falling off your bed and knocking your head. THANK GOD NEXT WEEK IS SPRING BREAK!!!

By by DS hello PSP

I resently sold my ds and got a PSP. My reasons are:

I never played my ds

I buy games when they go down in price. The ds games that are worth buying like mario cart( wich has been out forever ) is still 30 bucks. Ex: Resistence was 60 and is now 30 for the ps3

I love sonys games. I started out with a nintindo 64 but when I got my ps2 I was amazed. Ive played that thing forever and all the sequils to games or just between storys of the games Ive played fore ever like ratchet and clank and starwars battlefront 2 and I would count kingdom hearts but they havent made one for psp untill resently.

I made the desission that was best for me. If you think IMade a good or bad desision please tell me why. But Itruly like the psp a lot more ever since I got it.

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