I remember how happy I was that I was able to pre-order a Wii back in October of 2006 and I was playing it the day after the launch! I was one of the lucky ones who were able to get one right away. Immediately, I bought at least 4 of the launch games. I played Excite truck forever..Wii Sports was a family time practice.
Flash forward 2 years.... I have 37 Wii Titles sitting on the shelf. No one is using the Wii Fit. The kids are in the other room playing the DS and the PS2.
I am playing Xbox 360 and PS3..earning achievement awards and downloading new levels on previously completed games.
What happened to the Amazing Wii Console that shook the industry and my Family?
Several factors are responsible.
1) No matter what you think, part of what makes a game amazing is the "Eye Candy". I saw some of the Titles that were coming out for the Xbox and PS3 and started to become envious. I wanted to see cool graphics! Come on, what can the new gen offer me in the way of eye candy ?? Wii is still stuck in the Game Cube era....There, I said it ...its true. Yes, it has more power than a game cube, but it lacks the teeth of the Next Gen Powerhouses.
2) Wii Elbow. Wii is a lot of fun! Swinging the remote like a sword, fishing, beating a drum or boxing. How long can you play? How long before it starts to seem like,,, Gee it would be easier if I just had a controller? Some Games are better in Wii style..Especially shooting games. But , Games to me are relaxation. ITs a take your mind off work and kick your feet up kind of thing...not, I am ready to workout!
Also, there are many games that still have not mastered the Wii controls...so they come out very unnatural, if not unusable.
3) Wii Junk- Wii games that are just totally Junk...never should have been released at all because they are the worst of the worst. I have not seen so many bad eggs released for a single console ever! There are great games still out there ...but you have to be selective and watch what you buy!
5) Stuck in the family room! The Wii needs a lot of space so that you can move around with the remote and chuck..sometimes you can get away with small motions, but other times it requires some open spaces. This makes the Wii the lease mobile of the Next Gen consoles. I like to play in my office ...having to go to the family room and play is just too limiting.
6) The big Wii Limitation - Memory....Why...Why in this day and age would you design a system with only 512mb of memory? I can't download from the Wii Store anymore, until I remove some of the games from the Console to my SD card. So why is this a problem if I can just simply move it? Because this console is a next gen console thats why...it was not put out in 1996 it was put out in 2006! I should not have to be playing with moving stuff in and out of memory..My PS3 and Xbox have built in Hard Drives...I understand that you want to keep the cost down, but you could have designed for the possible Add-ons right?
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