I thought King's Field would be a 7.5-8.5, but instead it got around a 6.6 :( I still think it's great though
sdfsdaf's forum posts
My N64 broke last year, but I think that was my family's fault
[QUOTE="Soulja_West"][QUOTE="Tnasty11"][QUOTE="Rahnyc4"]EYE TOYIn the many years sony has been here. i just cant seem to figure out what exactly they introduced to the market, that changed gaming as a whole. i know Nintendo, and even a company like sega offered something to the market, that actually changed a part of it. im not really a sega fan, so i dont truly know what they offered, but i am there supporter. I do know sega was the first company, to make online gaming a standered.
Nintendo i know offered many things to the market, from software, to hardware, that basically innovated, or pioneer. sony's playtation brand has been out for many years, yet i dont know exactly what they truly offered to the market as a company. As a kid, i always thought of sony as a big lazy fat queen, who basically sat on her keesh and get spoon fed by her servents(third parties) while not offering much what so ever to its kingdom.
My question is. What has sony as a company introduced to the gaming industry? because i havent seen anything, that sony done for the market, unless im a blind fanboy, which im not. (been a sony supporter for many years)DJ_Vhat
:ets not forget about Dual Analog sticks.
1. EYE TOY = Game Eye for the Game Boy Color and one for the Gamecube which was unfortunetaly cancelled.
2. Dual Analog = Dual D-Pads on the Virtual Boy.
Do you mean the game boy camera?
[QUOTE="sdfsdaf"]Consoles with internet browsing capabilities
Consoles with internet browsing capabilities
Not only will it hurt the fat people by telling them they're overweight
But it will change their Mii's so all the online guys can see how overweight they actually are
That's cruel XD
Article about this topic at PS3Land.com
PS3 Exclusive (-)
PS3 and PC (*)
May be multi-platform (+)
Uncertain of it Development or lag of Information (^)
BOLD Titles mean recently added
Playstation 3 Exclusive Titles:
-Afrika (Confirmed)
-Angel Rings (Published by Sony)
-Eight days (SCE)
-EyeDentify (Published by Sony)
-Fifth Phantom Saga (Confirmation)
-Final Fantasy XIII (Confirmed)
-Final Fantasy Versus XIII (Confirmed)
-Folks Soul
-Formula One (Published by Sony)
-Full Auto 2: Battlelines (Confirmation)
-Genji: Days of the Blade (Confirmation)
-God of War 3
-Gradius (Confirmation)
-Grand Turismo 5 (Published by Sony)
-Grand Turismo HD (Published by Sony)
-Gretzky NHL (Published by Sony)
-Heavenly Sword (Published by Sony)
-Hot Shots Golf 5 (Published by Sony)
-Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier (Published by Sony)
-Killzone 3 (SCE)
-Lair (Confirmation)
-Little Big Planet
-Metal Gear Solid 4 (Confirmation)
-Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam World (Confirmed)
-Monster Hunter 3 (Confirmation)
-Motor Storm (Published by Sony)
-My Singstar (Published by Sony)
-Ninja Gaiden Sigma
-Ni-Oh (Information)
-Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (Published by Sony)
-Redwood Falls (Information)
-Resistance: Fall of Man (Confirmation)
-Resistance: Rise of Man
-Ridge Racer 7 (Confirmation)
-Shin Megami Tensei (Confirmation)
-Tekken 6 (Confirmed)
-The Eye of Judgment (SCE)
-The Getaway (SCE)
-Uncharted: Drake's Fortune(SCE)
-Untold Legends: Dark Kingdom (SCE)
-WarDevil Enigma (Confirmation)
-Warhawk (Published by Sony)
-White Knight Story
-Wipeout (Confirmation)
Playstation 3 PNPS Arcade:
-Flow (Confirmation)
Random Japanese Titles:
^Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu (Information)
^Generation of Chaos VI (Confirmation)
Uncertain of it Development:
^Final Fantasy VII (possibility)
^Kingdom Heart 3
^Makai Wars (possibility)
^Monster Carnival (possibility)
^Shadow of the Colossus 2 (possibility)
^Socom 4 (possibility)
^Sly 4 (possibility)
^Zone of the Enders 3
Uncertain Titles (May be multi-platform):
+Big Time Revenge (Information)
+Castlevania (Information)
+Fatal Frame (Information)
+FIA World Touring Car Championship (Information)
+Heavy Rain
^Iron and the Maiden (Information)
+L.A Noire
+Silent Hill 5 (Information)
PS3Forums Users Exclusive Titles added:
-ActiveDogs (aka Castleween 2?)
-Guan Yu (aka Dysnasty Warriors)
-Kurayami (Confirmation)
^Rengoku: The end of the Century (Information)
+Rockstar Old West (Information)
^Way of the Samurai (Information)
*SOE DC MMO (Published by Sony)
[QUOTE="sdfsdaf"][QUOTE="tcarruth"][QUOTE="sdfsdaf"].. Yes.. If the PS3 only had FF, MGS, Tekken and GT,it would be a piece of junk. Thank god it has more than that
yes but what else does it have that the 360 doesn't? I can't think of anything decent that is released (ie. a known quantity)?
Well if you mean out currently, Resistance + some cool downloadable titles. But if you count the ones coming out, there are quite a bit more.
Much like gears, resistance was also a tad overated. The resistance gameplay mechanics have been around since half life etc.. TBH i think reviewer had a hard time rating these games. They didn't know how to compare them to similar games already written and played to death on the PC - didn't know how to rate them in terms of originality given they were the among the first shooters on their respective systems.
Well if your talking about original games, I think it's safe to say that neither the 360 nor the PS3 have any of those, yet anyways
P.S. On Gears of War, I thought it was a great game, but when I finished it, I didn't care for finishing the whole story with a sequel(friend has it)
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