I don't really understand why IW so happy with Riley? I mean it's not something new to the fps genre and it's just a replacement to the drone from BO II or that little tank robot from MW3. Unless we can command Riley to attack enemies, drag us to safety when we injured, collecting ammo, or become a decoy, now that is cool.
i'm a big Call of Duty fan (especially the Black Ops series) but still, it's a bit disappointing to see the next gen Call of Duty still looks pretty much the same with the current gen one. Yes, the graphics are slightly better but the animation and the immersion of first person point of view is still lacking. No character shadow, still no other limbs except for the hands visible during gameplay, even the vegetation aren't moving while you're moving through them. And the mission structure is still the same, why every stealth mission must end with a bang?
i really want to get this when i have PS4 but i'm not sure if DriveClub would be so much fun to play offline. I would be very happy if there is a heavy offline content on it.
my internet connection barely reach 50 kbps for downloading (that's a fact here in Indonesia), could i still check in my 'beloved' Xbox One? Or i could just use it as a blueray player?
so it's up to publisher huh? it will only take 6 of 'em (EA, Activision, Ubisoft, Take Two, Square Enix, and Bethesda) to make most of AAA next gen game need used game activation fee.
I like Kiefer Sutherland's performance on Call of Duty: World at War, sure i'm gonna miss Hayter's voice but i think Kiefer Sutherland would do a good job as Snake.
sensei_hEnRY's comments