I dont know about this series anymore.. After brotherhood, it all seems to be the same. I still need to get AC3, that one looks GREAT! but i guess ive just grown tired of this series. Im not as excited for 4, i'll wait til its out and see if a friend gets it.
was it just me or did the first scene look like outside the diner from Indigo Prophecy? This game is going to be insanely good! And plus Ellen Page is in it! But everyone that isnt sure if theyd like it...just try it. Theres no harm in trying a game, you can always sell it on amazon. I didnt say gamestop because they steal your money.
Everyone's mad because someone had a different opinion than theirs? LOL While I have disagreed with previous reviews on some games I don't blame Gamespot, I don't blame the reviewer. My solution is to just not agree with the reviewer and not continue to read or watch their reviews. PROBLEM SOLVED!
Seeing Far Cry 3 makes me wish it was out now... i hate waiting for amazing games. Im surprised there wasnt an explosion from Sniper Elite V2 when you blow up the V2 rocket...its already in slo mo and its amazing!
I hope this is a Dlc and not an update because i want to experience the original ending even tho ive heard what happens, Im not one of the people that are going to be a cry baby about how a game ends. After I experience the original endings i'll see how these new ones are.
Beyond Two Souls news just keeps getting better :) Im so excited for this game! This and Watch Dogs are top on my most wanted list now, surprisingly beating GTA5, Borderlands 2, Hitman Absolution, Tomb Raider, and The Last Of Us, which are all pretty darn amazing and have got me excited to play.
for anyone who isnt as informed as these two guys commenting... that purple elemental ammo is a booster type, if your shooting it at an enemy and your team mate shoots fire ammo while your purple booster ammo is active it doubles or triples the damage with the more of the elemental ammos that are used. I forget if they had a name for it but i read all this in playstation magazine article. I CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER for this game tho.
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