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sephirothXIII Blog

WTF? Firefox?!!?!11?!

okay, this happened to me about a month or two ago...
my firefox had what I like to call and identity crisis, I could no longer use the profile known as "default"
so I created another1 called "jarret"(my name) I lost everything
mainly my bookmarks I wasnt conserned about much else. since then I've learned to cope and everything that I lost or most of the important stuff I got back.
not about 5 minutes ago it happened again?!?!!? WTF?!
so now Im using default again. but now I was "jarret" do I do this?

much help is greatly apreaciated and needed.

*sigh* gamespot

well I lost more points again this time for "disruptive posting"

I said something like this:

 'the new consoles are gonna be a e3!!?!!?!?!11one+shift?!!11!one!?!"

also does it say remember to keep your messages clean where ever you post or is that just me?! because I dont remember it always being there its even there when I wanna post a comment in some1s journal.

Automotive Enthusiast Union

I just got promoted to officer....
thats about it and I haven't made any new entrys in a while....
anyway you should all check it out we could always use some more members, get the boards moving a little fast so check it out....

check it out!


hmmm one of the last times I posted here I had 300...quite abit lately...

ps when is the next time I get new options like a 250 you can change your font and stuff when do i get new stuff.
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