Ugh, people are such idiots in the forums.
That or they're first-rate a**holes.
HAHA! Look, I stated a fact!
*rolls eyes*
For example, one thread I posted in was "Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer." I asked "Why haven't I been here (Gamespot)?" and the person who replied said, "Because you were banned." God, make something up that's at least not insulting! Dumba*s.
Gimme the retarded, now-sex-fiend any day over them. Yes, I'm talking about that game-addict/"friend" f*cker who I posted about before. He's annoying as hell now, and I'll be damed if I'm gonna let him cling to me like a drug addict.
It sucks major c*ck. I'm his drug it seems. Fu*king looser. Get outta my sights!
On a happier note, I'm waiting for chp. 10 of Dark Ashes of the Phoneix. I love where Maiafay's taking the story. Heh...
Meh, I don't know what else to say here. I barely do blogs anymore.
Oh, I got RE4 back, finally. Not that it was a bad thing that she had it long, it's just that I was craving it after a while. Especially Wesker. I totally forgot how to play it, but I got back into it and even improved a few scores in Mercs. Go me.
Yay, sarcasm and cynicism. Yes, that's a word, for those loosers out there who might happen to fall upon my blog (I'm not refering to those on my friends list) and read. F*cking a**holes. I hate guys like that. Especially those who are stupid or just plain ba**ar*s.
Like the majority that I find on the forum.
Idiots who cannot spell worth sh**, or who don't know how to type up a mature (read: civilized) response to a flame or other useless retard.
Speaking of flaming, I hate those jerks. Male or female. Especially when it comes to irrational or pointless bashing on another person. Whether I agree with the flame or not. I've seen one too many people get attacked by others just because their opinion didn't match those that attacked them.
Opinions are just that. Opinions. Deal with it. You'll live.
Or you won't, since you wouldn't be able to handle the real world.
Few things piss me off like flamers, a**holes and the plain stupid.
I agree with Carlos Mencia, from Mind of Mencia. There's too many stupid people in the world, and nobody to eat them.
I hope they don't breed. Just look at our President.
Anyway, I'm in a highly negative mood right now. Thanks Captian Obvious (myself). I have no idea why, though. It must have been the forums here, as well as seeing one of my favorite authors flamed needlessly. AND seeing another former-favored author flame others in return. AND have her followers completely agree with her, no questions asked.
I was one of those who was flamed as well there. Yay, unmatching opinion meets a horde of "mob mentality" groupies. Granted, I already vented about it in my LJ, the sudden memory of few, but heated, encounters with two-faced individuals infuriates me.
I rarely get pissed off, much less show it, and I'm quickly becoming so just from memory alone. Sad, isn't it? I know it is.
At any rate, I have no idea what the hell to do at this point in my life. A few things I'm still trying to get done, but I've yet to get call backs, despite me calling constantly.
That and I rather stay in my own little fantasy land where everything is ideal. Rather, it's where I'd prefer to be. But then, who doesn't?
One can dream, huh? Even if that dream is futile. I'm not trying to get anyones hopes squashed, but I'm saying it from experience. I've been there.
... Why must I continue this incessant, negative rant? I have no idea. I guess it's just that I haven't written anything personal down in so long, being that I was busy as hell this summer. Or so I thought. Apparently some idiot thought that I was a lazy c**t and decided to dictate my life for me. Oh joy.
Now, I HAVE to do this, I HAVE to do that, their reasoning being that I don't have the life skills to do this or that, when, clearly, I do. They've SEEN me do the this or that, but they must be stupid, or think I'm stupid. Either way, I'm hating my life right now.
Why couldn't there be a nice little device that lets you live out what you day-/dream about? That would be marvelous. That way, I could finally be at peace. I feel like I'm warring with myself. Over what to do to please my family, and what I really want to do, and what's required of me to do to make it out in real life.
Life's a bitc* deal with it.
But that doesn't mean I have to like it.
Right now, I just want to settle down. Yes, a 19 year old already wanting to fu*k all and get a family, preferably with a rich guy so I don't have to work. Not that I hate it, but I'd prefer to not do something that took time away from things like family, friends, and things that I want do to for myself and for them.
Fat chance in hell that's happening in this time and age though, huh?
Damnit, money is everything. It's a pain in the as* that, now-a-days, you gotta carry around anywhere from $50 to $100 bucks as pocket change just to get something of use that'll last you. Crap now is SO damn expensive!! What the hell's up with that?
I wish things were 10 cents like back when my parents and grandparents were young. That'd be so much more convienent. No, I'm just talking about monetary prices, not the situations that accompanied WHY everything was so damn cheap.
Wouldn't that be grand? If people did work like they do now, get the pay that they do now, but everything cost very little, everyone would be rich, and HAPPY. Because money is everything.
But that's totally not happening because it's not even realistic. Things cannot be cheap when people are being paid "a lot." When things are cheap, people are paid little, and when pays go up, so does everything else.
I find it increasingly difficult to accept that people have to work their AS*SES off just to feed themselves. Much less take care of their family. I'm excluding all those rich hooligans (Edit: Read-- CELEBRITIES) because they're rich. And more than likely, spoiled.
I just don't want a life like that. Again, fat chance in hell that I find a life that is more about family and friends than money.
I tire of this. It's not like people will really comment back something that'll truly spark a conversation about what I just brought up. But then again, that's me being negative, and also very hopeful that a discussion comes from reading this. Because I feel like discussing such things.
What is life, and why is it so difficult to live now?
~melanie lopez
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