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I need to get a new avatar. Unfortunately, I never got the one that was sent to me. *bites e-mail* x_x;;;


Oh well, I guess I'll just pass time finishing RE4.

Once I get past U3/It, I think I'll be good. 'Cause that thing I don't wanna fight, but mostly I just wanna finish the game, get SW, finish it, get the CT, and play Mercs. XD


Yayyy no more Regenerators (I think...)!!!!!!!!!!! *happy happy happy* \:D/

Mew. >_>


I think I'm gonna go get some food and sit around, lurking the RE4 forum (not that I wasn't for the entire day already, but ya know... @_@)



Ok, so this is probably the most pointless thing to do since I could just PM people.

But, brb.

I gotta restart the computer.


If anyone wants to talk to me on not Gamespot, I've MSN, YIM, and AIM.

AIM: SephySarkon
YIM: yaminomatsueilover (+ like, 6 other s/ns, but oh well)

Feel free to add & harass or somethin' when I get back on/whenever.


Wow, multi-tasking is fun for once in a long time XD

I'm talkin' with my three friends from Gamespot, Killer, BloodSnake, and Steve (MSN). I'm also watchin' Comedy Central/movie thingy that's funny & perverted with my little sister.

Eating cookies, drinking hot choclate mocha stuff that my friend made. Mmm... ginger + mocha + cinammon + coffee + milk + regenerators.

Ok, so that last part was a joke. XDD Plus I think Regen's would taste bad. BADDD....


We're also watchin' RE4 stuckgamer walkthrough vids 'cause we're bored as hell.


Yay me!


PS: Did anybody check out my game list? ... Not that ya gotta, but I'm just bored, so I wanna know.



Another random x_X (MAN, am I bored!)


"You haven't contributed any forum posts yet."


I was checkin' the "My Contributions" part of my page thingy, and everything else minus reviews I've contributed to. ... But when I click on the "Forum Posts" area, it's like, "NO, bi*tch!" o_O Wtf, man? I've posted in forums >_> Or does it mean, "Start a topic & post there" kind of crap?


Ai yai yai.

Haha, random XD

Found a random union here as I was searchin' for the games I have. (I've been adding stuff in the attempt to not go to sleep for fear of creepy Regenerators coming out of my kitchen. Been doin' that for a the past few nights, actually. o_O; Sad, huh? It's freakin' 5AM here.)

Anyways, the union's got all my main games I like to play in it, all in one! XDDDD *dies laughing*

DMC, FF, RE, KH (not so much, but it's slashy, so :P)

Heaven is a handful.

I'm quite contented right now |3


Got some cool gifts, and got to play with Keiko! My older sister's kitten; me & Pops were over at her (new-ish) apartment. Allie (lil' sister) was with her already, so we just met 'em back up there.

Anyways, Keiko was being naughty as usual, but unlike our cat/fatty kitty, Iris, Kei's a people person. Damnit. Our cat's a freakin' retard, running into the window/patio door/door/wall, AND is a coward. x_X Doesn't take the slightest interest in other people other than me, Allie, and Pops. The little sucker runs whenever there's anybody else in the house.

... I wonder what would happen if I stuck her with a Regenerator or Iron Maiden/zombies?


*coughs* Yeah... Keiko >>>>>>> Iris


But then Kei's too curious & likes to sniff at you if you're sleepin'. Everywhere. o.O Pervy kitty!


Erm... Yeah. What was I saying? Ah! I got (yet another) purse (that I don't need), and some other random things for Xmas. Meh, 'least they thought to give somethin'.

BUT, the best are from my fave Auntie. She's an anime person, and a bit of a gamer, so... Yeah. She and one of her kids, my little cousin, Andy, = anime freaks. It's great; that's where I get all my stuff from XD

I got a Naruto artbook, poster, AND t-shirt (of Sasuke... Damnit, I wished for Neji, Itachi, or Kakashi. Or all three...)!!! Holy crap :D

The absolute best one, though, was the Sephiroth Advent Children action figure thingy they got me.

*fangirls all over the place*

:D :D :D :D :D Luv!!! Luv luv luv luv luv...

Needless to say, I opened it (probably shouldn't but TOUGH! Mine, damnit!!), and spent the next few hours making him pose all over the place. :D :D :D :D AND his trench coat thing can open up. *snickers* Doesn't come off, unfortunately...

Kyahahhhaha... Allie asked me if I beat RE4 yet.

She wants me to so that she doesn't need to see the Regens & IMs. HAHA! That won't happen o.o; It'll be like, she'll walk by and I'm at my second playthrough, and there's a freakin' Regen about to eat me.


... Poor Allie.

She's 13; come to think of it, Andy's is too, though he's an exact month older than her. Hehe. This reminds me... I don't remember a lot of my fam's (outside immediate fam, I mean) birthdays and even some of their ages.


Well, that also brings me to say that my memory hasn't been too sharp since mom passed away. In fact, it's downright sh*tty, like how my grades ended up becoming.

A's ---> C's

Can remember things almost like a photographic memory ---> What happened?? ... That was 5 minutes ago?

Yes, I'm serious. My memory got THAT bad. I can't retain sh*t to save my life. OH, but the best is when my fam would get angry with me and say that I DID know this or that, where in actuality, I didn't 'cause I forgot.

o_O; Luckily, they don't do that as much anymore. Thank god, it would piss me off, man.


Wow. I talk a lot. I normally don't offline/in real life. o_o;;; In fact, I'm the quiet, shy one who would NEVER be perverted as hell and NEVER be a gamer.

Or at least, that's the stereotype I 'fit' when people don't really know me.

Hmm... I haven't been using my LiveJournal (sephysarkon) that much, so... yeah. Venting/rantings/ramblings.

Haven't done that in a while. O_o;; Funny how I should start up again here. o.o;;



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