that trilogy was great. im not sure if i like this, they're gonna ruin itmondomaeI'm just not gonna watch these movies I had a bad experience with mortal kombat
seprah's forum posts
FFX,FFXII.FFX had great gameplay and great story,while FFXII had better gameplay but the story wasn't that good.I mean,it was a good story but they could have done more with it,tell us a little more about the characters and that kind of stuff.a real FF-fan
FFX with Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne as a close 2ndyes shin megami tensei nocturne was also awesome but hard
my personal favourite is Dragon Quest VIII and the runner up would be Final Fantasy X.
tekken vs Vf would be better2ndWonderi was thinking that too
Prince of Persia DoubleT1991I think they should really give that guy a name. oh and by the why this is also my favourite hero
Nah, the sage's stone is an infinite use item and there are no side effects. Same goes for the Timbrel of Tensionrohveryeah the timbrel of tension is an awesome item!!!!! and he is right sage's ston is an infinite item
Torrente for the PCyeah the getaway black monday sucks!!!!!!!!!!!
Also, The Getaway 2 was pretty horriblemindradio
The worst game ever is Final Fantasy, It's sucks..........The-Fear-007stop saying that, it isn't because you don't like the series it's crap. please say something reasonable
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