Thanks for the recommend @Azghouls, @iowastate.
I'd like to recommend Azghouls for the upgrade to Top 100 for WRITTEN reviews, he's been doing it longer than I have, and his reviews were among the first that inspired me to start reviewing. I still check back on his from time to time. Not only because he has good taste in games (a number of which I have), but also because he's a great guy and a fellow Aussie!
I would have put in a vote for ChristianKiss but he doesn't seem as active lately. Sorry iowa, they say you need a recent review, otherwise I'd put in a vote for you too!
Haven't had a chance to read many other reviews, but like my current blog entry says, I would have happily read a few of someone's had they just asked, or pointed me their way. Due to the large quantity of reviews done by users that don't even bother with an avatar, or haven't read around prior to posting, I tend to just avoid other people's reviews.
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