Another year, another list of game awards. Compared to 2009, my 2010 in terms of game playing wasn't that great, but the culprit is obvious; my new full-time job. That takes a lot of time away from games, and many days I just felt too tired to spend some quality time with my systems. I played a lot during weekends, though, and I mostly did accomplish my goal of not replaying games. The exception is Perfect Dark, although I originally played it 10 years ago; I think 10 years is a good amount of time to let go by and then replay a game; a decade is good enough to relive those great memories :)
NOTE: Just to clarify, these are games that I beat this year (regardless of their release year), and they're not exactly in order of Best to Worst, but in order of how much I enjoyed them overall.
Without further ado, here's my list for 2010:
TOP 10 GAMES OF 2010
10 – Puzzle Quest 2 (DS)
09 – Pokemon Ranger: Guardian Signs (DS)
08 – Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth (DS)
07 – Super Mario Galaxy (Wii)
06 – Kirby's Epic Yarn (Wii)
05 – Pokemon HeartGold (DS)
04 – Perfect Dark (XBLA)
03 – Trauma Team (Wii)
02 – The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)
01 – Okami (Wii)
Missing in 2010: Games from new systems! I got a PSP, Xbox 360, and PS3 this year, and no games for those systems made it on the list. I really need to start playing some of those :)
Return in 2010: Awesome FPS action thanks to Perfect Dark
Funniest Game – Nothing comes to mind; I guess this was a more serious year
Best Sound / Music – Kirby's Epic Yarn
Best Multiplayer – Nothing new, so... Brawl :)
Old-School Game of the Year – Perfect Dark
Biggest New Character – Naomi Kimishima (Trauma Team)
Greatest Moment – Final boss battle in Okami
Dissapointment of the Year – Rock Band 3; great reviews? Really? Why!? :P
Biggest Surprise – Er...nope, nothing surprising this year
As far as 2011 goes, I'm looking forward to some stuff; Pokemon Black, Dead Space 2, Okamiden, Ghost Trick, and some 3DS games. I'm also looking forward to actually playing games for my 'new' systems; stand-outs include Mass Effect, Arkham Assylum, BioShock, Final Fantasy XIII, and Shadow Complex. And as for the backlog, let's see; Dementium II, Metroid: Other M, 3D Dot Game Heroes, Rock Band 2, and Golden Sun: Dark Dawn should be finished in 2011, hopefully :) Should be a great year for games, time pending.
Here's to a great 2011 for everyone; gaming-wise and everything-else-wise!
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