During a presentation and Q&A at last night's Warhawk tournament at 3Rooms, Tameem Antoniades (co-founder of Ninja Theory) was asked what his response was to the criticism that Heavenly Sword was too short. He replied that Ninja Theory are definitely interested in extending the experience via downloadable content - but only if it sells well.
Finally, the release date for Home over the PSN has been revealed - it's provisionally set as the 11th of October, 2007. Other dates include Pixel Junk Racers (4th October) and Pain (13th of December). No date yet for Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, but it's promised to hit before December.
Update: SCEE have now published a complete list of all games, both on PSN, disk, PS2 and PSP. Linked site is correct
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