[QUOTE="AvIdGaMeR444"]I find it completely ironic that PS3 owners would hype Killzone 2 after the 1st Killzone scored a 6.9. Fanboys were screaming "Halo killer" before Killzone released, and there was massive ownage after the GS review. Now, I can sort of understand why PS2 owners hyped the 1st Killzone. It seemed like maybe it was going to be a great game based on all the previews, the developer interviews, etc. But it flopped hard. Ok, are fanboys getting fooled again with Killzone 2? Great looking previews of the game, etc. The SAME scenario as Killzone 1. Are fanboys going to get fooled again? Also, why would ANYONE ever hype a sequel to a game that scored 6.9? Not even Wii owners or 360 owners would ever do that. :lol:
your just sad dude, give it up.
What does killzone ones score have to do with the quality of killzone 2? Not only was the original killzone on the ps2 WHICH IS A WHOLE GENERATION OLDER than the ps3, it was developed by a small team with a limited budget. Sony have sunk millions into Killzone 2 and its being created by a much larger team of programmers with the help of other 1st party developers (such as naughty dog) It has also had lots of development time to tweak the game to perfection. All the previews of the game only have good things to say about it, the multiplayer looks INSANELEY GOOD and the graphics look SUPERB. Here, take a look at this, I hope it helps your peabrain mind comprehend why people are hyping this game
exactly thats why every ps3 owners is hyped...
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