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World Of Warcraft - I Need Help

Ok, well I got World of Warcraft like 5 months ago when I bought my laptop. Well, at the time I had dial up so playing WoW was going to be inpossible. Now I have Broadband Wireless Internet and I want to play my WoW. I already have an account and my account is paid for the next 6 MONTHS!!!! Either way, everytime that I try to log in to my account updates download and it's not like a little update, it's huge. Some of them are like 400 MB and even with broadband it takes a litttle while for a download that big. I don't want that to happen anymore and I actually want to PLAY the game. Can anyone in GS help me out on this.

In other news, yesterday I got Photoshop CS 2 and I plan on also getting Fireworks and Flash so that I could do some of the stuff that I like at home. Today I'm going to start designing and I'm going to do a new banner, sig, avatar, and all that stuff so that I can give my profile a new look. :D Now I can start taking requests again, so if you want something just let me know. :D

I also downloaded Internet Explorer 7, and i love the new look. I think that it's great the feature that they put on it, that you can have all you IE pages open inone window. Now I'm thinking of downloading Mozilla Firefox since I hear that it's much better than IE but I want to see for my self.

 I also downloaded iTunes 7.2; and to tell you the truth, I don't see much difrence from 7.0. :( But I guess that it dosen't hurt to have the latest version of iTunes.

Now I can download more things to make my computer better, so if any of you have any suggestions, I would be glad to hear them.

Thanks for reading.

It's Over

So High school is finally over, this can be a good thing and also a bad thing.

The good thing is that I don't have to wake up at 5 in the morning so that I can get ready to go to school. (I don't have a car so I had to get a ride to go to school.) I also won't have to do any more homework and assignments from any teacher. I think that it's fair to say that I won't be missing most of my teacher, some where real @$$ holes. I also won't have to deal with any of the people that I hated or that annoyed me. I don't have that many people that get to my nerves, but that ones that I did have where a pain in the @$$.

Unfortunately, there will be a lot that I will miss from my high school. First off I will miss hanging out with all my friends at the school. It was fun being with all the gang, we would sometimes go out and eat some place or just go hang out at the local arcade. I'm going to miss hanging with them : ( :? :cry: But I guess that's how life is (in my opinion life it sucks) and we must all go our separate ways sooner or later. :cry: Another thing that I'm going to miss is that I won't be able to design for a while. All the stuff that I ever did (Ex: banners, tags, sigs, etc.) I made them using the schools programs like Photoshop and Fireworks. I plan on buying those programs my self but I won't be for a little while. I plan to buy a copy of those programs (I plan on buying Photoshop CS 2 and Fireworks as soon as I get my Student ID from the University of Utah and I will go up to the book store and buy those programs. Students get a HUGE discount on any software that we get from the Book Store. Normally Photoshop CS 2 cost around $750 dollars but it only cost $450 dollars for students. So you can see why I'm waiting, I don't want to waste money that I don't have to. :D

On other news, I think that I've gotten WAY better on my designing. I don't know if you remember, a while back I tried to make a wallpaper for the game Xenosaga Episode 1, and I didn't do a good job at it. So I went back and fixed some things that where wrong and I think that I did an ok job now that it's finally finished. Here is the final look of the Xenosaga wallpaper. Tell me what you guys think.

I also made another one not to long ago. I'm really into Anime; for those who don't know what it is, Anime are Japanese cartoons like Pokemon (I don't watch this, it's just an example) or Dragon Ball Z. Anyways, I got into .Hack a lot, specially since I was playing the games from the new series ROOTS.

To give a brief summary, .Hack is about an online game that a lot of people play. It's also set in the future, I think that it's like 2040ish. The game is called "The World" and it's a really great game and it's really popular. But there is something wrong with the game, there is a a virus lose in the "The World" that cas come to be known as AIDA (I can't remember what it stand for, but that is the name of he virus) and anyone that has their character killed by this virus or a monter filled with this virus they fall into comas.

There is a new player called Haseo, he is a PKK (player killer killer, a person that kills other players that kills other players.) and I based my new wallpaper on him after I download a few pictures of him. I uploaded the image to gamespot andI also have it in my photobucket account. I didn't get to finish it all the way because I didn't have time to delet all the white stuff around the last form that Haseo has but I think that I did a good job even if I didn't finish it all the way. Here is the link to the new wallpaper. The guy in the middle dressed in white is the last form and it's called "The X Form". The guy in back of him is the first form or beginner form and it has no fancy name. The one to the left that has some gold in the armor is the 2nd form and the one to the right is the 3rd form.

Other than that, I will be logging in more often now. I also have broadband wireless internet now so I will start to play World of Warcraft, I Can't wait. :D

I hope everyone is doing good (I know I am) and that they are enjoying their Summer vacations and I will see everyone around.

PS I'm also arguing with my self whether or not I should make a mySpace. What do you guys think?

Thanks for reading.

Sorry Everyone

Hi, everyone. I'm really sorry that I haven't been able to log in and post on GS as much as I want to. Lately I have more work and right now my life is a mess. I'm about to graduate from High School in 2 weeks and I'm running around right now making sure that I'm for graduation and that all my stuff is ready for when I go to University. I will have more time in two weeks once I'm finished with school and I'm in my summer vacation. (I can't belief that a year already went by)

In other news, I have started to play .Hack//G.U.//Vol. 2. I'm really happy with that game, It's awesome and I can't wait until the 3rd one is released. :D I haven't bought any more games in a while but I plan on getting Odin Sphere ( Official Website )

Anyways, thanks for reading

Flash Animations

ok, well I mentioned that I had started to use Flash in my Multimedia class and I have learned how to make a little car move. Here is the link.

Then, today I was messing around with it and I made a little cartoon. It's nothing really cool like some animations that I've seen that there is two little stick men fighting and doing all this really cool stuff, but I think that it's really good considering that it was my first time doing a cartoon and that I had not help from anyone making this. I hope that you guys liek it. Here it is.

I would also like some feed back on what I could inprove and stuff like that. Thanks.

Help With Software

Ok, well in my multimedia class we have started to mess around with Micromedia Flash and I noticed that Flash does a much better job at .gif files than Image Ready that comes along with Photoshop. I still like to use Photoshop (it's the only thin that I can use, I know a little of Micromedia Fireworks but I'm not good at it) and I plan on buying Photoshop in the near future but I also wordered if it was a good idea to buy Flash or if there is something else out there that is even better. I also noticed that Adobe has a flash program but I don't know if it's the samething as Micromedia Flash. If anyone can help me with this and also tell me where the cheapest place to get the program (not torrents) is. Thanks

iPod Problems

Ok, it's sad to write about this stuff in my 100th blog post (not really sad, just irritating). So the other day I was charging my iPod from my computer and everything was fine. Then the other day I tried to turn it on and the thing just wouldn't turn on. Something like this has happen to me before (sort of). What happened before was that it would just freeze and then it wouldn't play anything. The first time I had to let the battery run out so that it could unfreeze, the second time it unfrooze after a few minutes and everything was cool. But now I can't do any of that. So today (4-18-07) I'm going to take my iPod to the Apple Store that is near by to see if they can fix it. I hope that it's not that expensive or I will brooke until next week. Well, I just wanted to post this. Sorry if I wasted your time. Thanks for reading.

Sad But True

Sad But True Lyrics
Artist (Band): Metallica

Hey I'm your life                                                                      
I'm the one who takes you there                                               
Hey I'm your life                                                                      
I'm the one who cares                                                              
They, They betray
I'm your only true friend now                                                    
They, They'll betray
I'm forever there

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true, sad but true

You, You're my mask
You're my cover, my shelter
You, You're my mask
You're the one who's blamed
Do, Do my work
Do my dirty work, scapegoat
Do, Do my deeds
For you're the one who's shamed

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your dream, mind astray
I'm your eyes while you're away
I'm your pain while you repay
You know it's sad but true

I'm your dreams,
I'm your eyes,
I'm your pain

I'm your dreams,
I'm your eyes,
I'm your pain,
You know it's sad but true

Hate, I'm your hate
I'm your hate when you want love
Pay, Pay the price
Pay for nothing's fair

Hey, I'm your life
I'm the one who took you there
Hey, I'm your life
And I no longer care

I'm your dream, make you real
I'm your eyes when you must steal
I'm your pain when you can't feel
Sad but true

I'm your truth, telling lies                                                                                                                                                I'm your reasoned alibis                                                                                                                                                 I'm inside open your eyes                                                                                                                                              I'm you

Sad but true

I just can't stop thinking about this song, I think that this is one of my favorite song from Metallica. I still don't quite understand what the song is talking about but I think that it's something like split personalities or something like that. Correct me if I'm wrong. :?

Things Are Getting Better

Well, now that I'm settled in my job (I got transffered to a diffrent location but I'm still with the same company) and things are not are crazy as I tought it was going to be. My manager is not as mean as I had heard and the place is really cool and not as busy as I heard. The best thing of all is that I can log into GS more often now because she dosen't care what I do as long as i get my stuff done so I'm going to be in GS more. But I still have things to do and I still might not post as much as I want to but it will defenetly help that I have a cool manager. :D

It's actualy a lot better than in the old place because over there I couldn't do anything on the computer that wasn't company related. So I can een check my email and things like that. The only things is that there a LOT more wirk to do. :( But on the bright side they are more easy going, so I guess I have to be grateful for what I get. :P Anyways, expect to see me more in the boards. :D Thanks for readng.

Spring Break

Ok, so yesterday (friday) was the beggining of spring break. But unfoutunately (spelling?) it's not going to be much of a break for me. Next week I have to work every day except Sunday and I'm going to put a 50 hour week in my job and that dosen't really leave much time to do anything but eat, sleep and take a shower. (this sucks :evil: )

Also, if you requested something from me like a banner or something like that. I regret to infrom you that I don't have access to Photoshop for a week since I use it at school. So it will just take one more week ok. In the mean time, if you want to request something let me know and I will start to find pics for what ever you want. :D Either way, thanks for reading.

Spirit Bowl

Well, I don't know of many places that do this at their High Schools so I was just curious to know how many did. At my high school we just had a week called "Spirit Week". Basically it's a compitision to see which class (ELP, Freshmen, Sophmores, Juniors, and Seniors) have the most School Spirit. There is competitions to "prove" which class is the best. So are like dances or Lypsincs (I think that's how it's spelled) which are like little plays that we do.

I didn't participate in any of that because I think that it's not worth making a fool of yourself in front of the whole school. I think tha this whole thing is fixed so that the Seniors win every year. I heard that one year the Seniors didn't win and they got so mad that they jumped (beat up after schoo) a bunch of kids in the lower grades to get back at them.

Some of the traditions of Spirit Bowl are to jump kids from lower grades and do stupid stuff like that. I didn't jump anyone but I kind of wanted to, just to see how it it feels. But I missed my chance. :( Either way, I was just wondering if anyone else has this kind of stuff at their High School. Thanks for reading.