To tell the truth i really wouldn't mind if next gen counsels block used games. WHAT I DO HAVE A PROBLEM WITH is not being able to take my game go to a friends house and play with them on there system. a way to by pass the used game thing is to have a system in place that like the 360 where every controller has a log in and at least one person has to own the game to play it but that would require a persistent internet connection which is still a dick move. SO YA INTERNET SHOULD NOT BE REQUIRED TO PLAY A GAME THAT I BOUGHT A DISK FOR.
Portable gaming is most likely dying but it shouldn't. Smart phones are great and powerful devices but I don't fell that there are enough great games on them or at least easy enough to find to let the smart phone kill portable gaming. How ever on the other side I don't feel that portable gaming devices are doing enough to compete with smart phones. my problem with the current generation is that the DS and the PS vita have allot of features but lack the little extras that draw me back to my smart phone. If a portable gaming device could handle some of the task that are on my smart phone i would gladly shell out the money to buy one. the major things that my smart phones handle are phone call, txt msg, email, social networking, ebooks, camera, and video. for me i would like to shift gaming social networking, instant msg, ebooks, camera and video to another device because they don't need to be checked all the time and to save battery. Sadly as far as i can tell portable gaming have only figured out Social networking (i don't know why personally a useless feature) and gaming which aren't enough for me to shell out $200 - $400($169+CA tax = $184 $350+CA tax = $380) on a portable device that i then have to buy games and memory for. also Sony needs to stop making preparatory memory cards for storage unless it is revolutionary. there expensive and and useless. if you can download games the device should have at least a small amount of memory for storage of 2 games and save data
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