shabie12si's forum posts
Its a blue tooth mouse attaches to a "wii type" analog stick made for first person shooters on the ps3.. looks awsome and i can definately see myself picking one of these bad boys up and just straight upplay RFOM hours at a time.. but do you thinkit would suck for those who dont want to buy this and play with people using it...being that they have much better accuracy and controll?
I wanted that **** to float!! it did in the commercial..False advertising!
no but really do you think that well be able to dl it earlier? and dident they say we would b e abl;e to listen to costom soundtracks ...atleast we can dl while playing (G$ said we couldnt)which is a huge step in the right derection.. what do you guys think?
u can afford a 600 dollar machine but not a 60 dollar game lol?toobzy08well after the 600 he might not have any left...duh.. i ran into the same prob.. i dident buy a game 3 weeks after i got the ps3 cuz i had no money. i needed food bills books for school
theres a sticky for this dude yes its true and were not gonna lose mgs4 or FF everCrazy87i realized after i posted.. still it helps answer it personally
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