Can't decide which to get first :(Valkyria Chronicle, Star Wars: Force Unleash, Soulcaibur IV or Elder Scroll oblivion
Valkyria Chronicles... what this dude said. alright thanks :D ill get elder scroll after it thenshadow13702's forum posts
Can't decide which to get first :(Valkyria Chronicle, Star Wars: Force Unleash, Soulcaibur IV or Elder Scroll oblivion
These are what I usually have when i play:
Predator Guided missile
Harrier Airstike (In Demolition or whatever that Capture thingy is, This is very usefull since you can bomb where they are when they are trying to capture a place and defend it with the harrier) I usually camp till it gets 2 kills so I can use the Pave Low
Pave Low - imo the best killstreak next to nuke.
I got 19-1 today with this :)
For Weapons I use:
WA2000 with ACOE + HeartBeat, Ranger akimo or whatever with FMJ, Perks: Bling, HardLine, Sitrep.
M16 acoe + gernade laucher/Uzi Red dot + rapid fire, and same perks as WA2000
Valkyria Chronicles... it is one hell of an intimidating game.
Is this game worth getting? From the reviews I read it was pretty fun and I was about to go get it. Anyways Prince of Persia.. some of the puzzles are annoying and take time and its bascially the same thing over and over. Plus there is barley any fighting and when you do fight theres only a few combos.
where is the 0 in that poll?
This poll is so skewed because of it you could ask for government funding.hot114
agreed. 1-2 and 2-3? Which one should 2 be in...
I don't get people who say that this style of play is "fun". It may be amusing at first, but one would think that they'd get bored of it. Stealing candy from a baby must get old by the hundredth time you've done it.
My guess? A crippling need for self-validation. That's right guys, if you get that killstreak to 25, someone will admire you. :roll:viva_hate
Dam highest i got was 23 for knife :cry: (with some nades, pistol, harrier thingy, pavelow)
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