@nyran125 truely said man. CS is the skill vs skill fps. i played it yesterday after a long time and i was so happy when i acutally killed the A.I. on expert difficulty. hardship has gone away from the games today. remember resident evil 3 on ps1? it was hard. scarce ammo, random attackings and all. not only the gameplay but the whole package was hard. but a game like CoD today is aim down and shoot. just that and when u put it on veteran difficulty, the hardship is in the bullets u take just that. the hard game i like in this gen is ninja gaiden 2. because its hard but if you're skilled u can counter every attack. its not about just pushing that X button. FIFA 12 is a game that needs skill too. i like it when i use the strategy to pass more to save stamina. where if i move my center back needlesly, the gap will be my tomb.
@LoserMike yes u didnt mention complex. you said enslaved is JUST a 3rd person action adventure platformer. so it means its has no tricks to it. its simple. and flower u mentioned, yes, with the least tools they made an innovative game. so they're pros IMO. and innovation doesnt mean something completely new. it means it was once something else, u improve it to a whole new level with your own ideas. the more pure your ideas, the more innovation you will get. batman is a great example. u can see innovation in every part. but batman existed more than 60 years ago. on the other hand look at something like spiderman game. u cant even look at it. i agree with your whole comment because u have your own unique view on this thing -and i respect that- and i have mine, but in the end it comes to how games make us like them. through innovation or anyrhing else.
@Rocker6 yes. i totally agree. and i donno why they didnt make a good marketing for it. may be ninja theory makes a great game with devil may cry im putting my faith into them after enslaved. that has better marketing and everyone know the franchise.
@LoserMike i dont know about your interests in video games, but sometimes something doesnt have to be complex to be great, sometimes being complex has a diverse effect, makes u not understand the content. u see im a music producer and when someone makes a great tune with the least tools available, and makes u like it, thats professional. and u said enslaved was taken from a chinese story, but can u grab the controller and actually play that story? yes unless its made into a game. i agree the gameplay wasnt innovative but it had more memorable moments than just gameplay. thats enough to be great. im passing the 21st year of my life, how am i supposed to be enjoying something like catherine?
what? lack of innovation? ive said it before for "Enslaved". that was a true piece of art. was it supported? even i played it last month. and yet everyone said wow what an amazing game but no one bought it! i dont get it!!! we are all to be blamed more or less. when a studio has the courage to do something different and big then confronts our cruelty. and yet we say CoD is #!%&.... at this point we DESERVE cod to understand what greatness means.
@DemannameD well i think by the time they release episode 3 i just have to go over all of the half lifes to remember wtf was the thing all about... @hitmanxmk too right mate, yeah i confess i played a GTA (vice city) game and that was the first and the last time i ever touch a gta or any gta kind game because at that time i was 12. today i can hardly find a game suitin me. only things like dead space 2 or assassins creed standards are appealing to me. i have a younger brother that "shadow of the damned" was great to him and his friend while i just played the first 5 minutes and i couldnt bare to play more. @No_Intelligence and how am i supposed to play something that isnt entertaining? just pay for it and throw it in the corner of the room? this isnt called support it makes us look dumb and they think they can sell us more of their craps.
i know its a great game, and i love it and i play it. there's just one thing, i think the characters are not well balanced, u know have u noticed that sub-zero is no match for scorpion? how slow-mo sub-zero is compared to the old rival? just try it yourself, scorpions spear to sub's ice throw. and sub's ice clone doesn't work if ur touched to the rival. and many more slow recoveries from combos. i still like it cuz its my childhoods memory
i have to say poor xbox didn't stand a chance in this. i have an xbox. but being realistic is another thing. that poor resolution on xbox, blurry image and jagged edge. i just think xbox is showin its age. and ps3 with that specs is payin off. i wonder why in the age of technology we have to stand these fixed consoles for- till now - 6 years. believe me if pc had the games that consoles have, not just me, almost everyone would've gone for pc. but in the end im kinda happy that im playin and as long as great games like portal are out there, they lessen the pain.
u can go ahead and call me whatever u want but pc owns them both u can wait and play assassin 2 on pc with AA. the only superiority that these two have to pc is their own exclusives so i see no point in ps3 or 360
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