shadow8585's forum posts
How about the series did something new? Do you seriously base every game purchase on how revolutionary the game is?the game is nothing special, doesn't really do anything new.
The fact that they're still showing upward growth after 6 years (and being the earliest console on the market this gen) is actually very impressive.RavensmashUnfathomably impressive if you know anything about business plans/models. Gen over gen, X360 did absolutely amazing this time around. "Xbox" is the new "Playstation"
First off, given that the PS3 to PS2 sales ratio is 1:3, a drop of 200% and the X360 to Xbox sales ratio is 2:1, an 100% increase, regardless who is up a few million units on who when this generation ends, Sony dramatically underwhelmed expectations and Microsoft dramatically surpasses expecations.
With those truths noted, lets now talk about how the X360 will retain its 2.5M+ unit lead. The answer is the pending sales drop:
Bringing the X360 4GB down to $149, the X360 250GB to $249 and the X360 250GB Elite Bundle to $299 will do more for Xbox than dropping a PS3 to $249 or a shaved version to $199. $199 is a nice price for someone serious about buying a console but anything below that starts drawing in fence buyers and spur of the moment buyers (realistically the only people who havent jumped into this gen yet)
You get what you pay for. The multi-week PSN outage where subscriber's personal information was stolen proves that. Personally I like the X360 S over the PS3 Slim cause I like the strong level of competition XBL offers, the faster downloads on XBL, the X360 controller, Gears of War, Halo and all that good stuffPS3 has free online. It winz.
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