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shadow_rose Blog

well well well.......

today had been interesting:P well maybe not but still:P

had spanish. there was a fench girl in there and well all had to seak to her in french to make her feel at home. :Pdont think it worked

then art:) the teacher was finally back. glad cos shes a really nice teacher.

maths. cut short due to the official opening of the sixth form bloke (the old clinic)

double tech cut short due to same reason. drew all lesson. my hand hurts now.

hmmmm....was hyper at lunch. called bri up. said "are you ignoring me?!" then started setting him up with sian which continued on the bus.:P



i hurt my toe:P hehe. its purple. *pokes toe* :Phehe


its my deraest rachi's birthday today. so all of you sing her a happy birthday or else :twisted:

i had today:

science -

practise SAT's papers. :P easy peasy...kinda:P

swimming -

assement. i cant swim for a cookie....mmm...coookies. come to the darkside. we have cookies:P


won! 7-2:P in your face reds. injury of dearest toe happend here


talked about genetically modifying. cool as always.


boring. kill me. classical music.


I need....

a new FFVIII so badly. For anyone who doesnt know i have FFVIII but half the time it doesnt save properly. so this morning i decided to risk it and start off a new game as the last one was destroyed. so I got really far went to save with 12 free spaces. Not one worked:( and now all the save spaces are damaged. i can delete the damaged ones but i have to take out disk which i dont want to do cos i'll lose all my work. :cry: so i might call my friend u go round her house with my memory card and clean it off there. or get her to bring her PS1 round to mine.

not much else going on



i feel so tired. i got hardly any sleep last night. i had way too much on my mind. i been really quiet since i woke up too.

i been to town and got Beth's birthday present. :) when i was in town i saw 2 of my cousins (jaime and natasha) 2 of my best mates (yella and charlotte) and one of my aunties. lot of people.

the weather here is really hot. i wearing jeans and a vest top and sitting in my consevatory with all the windows open:) its like summer,

not much going on.


RAWR! (c)

:Pi am hyper! w00t! i am also sitting in the hall on tha laptop cos the broadband cable (finally got it sorted) is too short to get to the living room. at school was really hot. since 9am i been boiling hot. i had to do PE outside too. runing as well just wanted to collapse.

had science bring

english- best teacher in the school hes so funny. only have him once a fortnight :(

maths - ok. bring though, easy

PE - read above

geography - hated it and teacher


NO-ONE! (c)

NO-ONE TOUCHES MY NANS PC WITHOUT TELLING ME WHAT THEY ARE GOING TO DO! turns out nan let someone restore it to factory settings. i had to re-downlaod MSN messanger. and to get YIM and AIM it would take a hour for both! grrrr! i am so mad! i had to re-install the net too! *going insane*





anyway today i had history first lesson. we watched a WW1 video. people who are 18 were fighting and dying. it really hit me hard cos i know loads of peeps who are coming up for 18 or are 18. :( dont want to think of that happening to them.

then had spanish. made a poster for a band. i gave my friend some pictures of the killers i couldnt think of any of the band members name except brandon flowers. so steph made up liam plant, adam bush and paul trees. :P so funny :lol:

then i had art. teacher is still ill. starting to get boring. also found something shocking out. a boy in the year above me hung himself last night. a girl knew one of his friends and text her telling her he had died. girls been crying all day .we got a letter about it too asking if anyone needed to talk about it.

then had double Tech. new tech. sewing. teacher hates us so badly. boring lesson.



i end school for 2 weeks a week today! YIPPEE! :D

today was uneventful.

had assembly i found out i have to do to my mum's work for a day to see how its run and meet the boss. hmmm........ wouldn't it be good if she was my mother....o wait she is! :roll: anyway i have to go on a thrusday and she works 9am till 9:30pm :cry:

first had science. boring

art - no normal teacher but ok. listened to music and drew.

maths - fine. just did trigonemtry. easy

spanish - its spanish. boring.

re - discussed living forever. now i discussed it i dont want to. cos they trying it out at the moment but its costly and if your family couldnt afford :(



i have had flipping earache all day! its been killing my left ear. hehe. first realesed about when i shouted OW! on maths:P that was 2nd lesson.

french- didnt have teacher.....had mr barker! this the teacher who goes on and on and on and on and on. :cry: i only just survived.

maths - did little test did fine. ear started hurting

tech - new topic. it was cool. just drew all lesson

english (drama) - ok. english drama is never good as performing arts drama.

music - did suprise music test on the recorder did ok.

came home. finally tuned my guitar up:)



i had a title but i forgot it. i have a headache. *holds head* did happen today? *thinks*......i had lessons.......was hyper......... something.......have i got amnesia or something today?!!?

blah. i'll edit later when i remember.



uurgrgghhh.....the painters came this morning. at 8am after finally going sleep at 3:45 (couldn't sleep-too much on my mind) so i got about 4 and 1/4 hours sleep. after a hella lot of tossing and turning and goig insane i got some tablets put a hot water bottle on my stomach and had some restless sleep. at 1pm mum came in and woke me up and told me to go downstairs and relax on the sofa which i did. then she brought me some toast and a drink and sdaid she would clean my room for me:D so she doid while i put my PS2 and played some relaxing FFX-2 (KH makes me feel better but its way too fast paced for when i am not in my right mind.

after that i did some HW. then had a shower and hairwash. when i was blow drying my hair i noticed how long and straight it is. when it was short it used to be dead curly and frizzy now it isn't:)

now i shall do some HW.
