even better According to Eurogamer, 67.2 million Xbox 360 consoles are in the wild as of less than a month ago. Whether you average out units sold-per-months on the market or opt to remove a year’s sales from the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 is in a surprisingly strong place right now. If the consoles spent the same amount of time on the market, these numbers suggest PS3 would actually be winning that race.
btw I think I should mention this The PS3 is a mere 3.3 million units away from the Xbox 360 in worldwide sales with a year’s less time on the market.
@Dekanis @jerseycarter15 wrong the first one wasn't made by Nintendo was made by anther company so by what you are saying smash bros. was rip off has well
@TheZeroPercent I didn't say that they might have seen how well Nintendo was doing in the portable market so they made their own which is completly differnt
but by the way you are saying the first console which wasn't made my Nintendo had something to do with all consoles made
@TheZeroPercent you are missing the point why would they get rid of it when it is making a profit they would get rid of stuff that is making a profit first
@Dekanis @jerseycarter15 like I said the main reason they are making this is because it was fan requested and like I said before smash bros wasn't the first game like that don't remember what the other games were called though
and Sony is doing stuff with the game that no one else has
@McNeelyJ39 I would get it now I got it day one and it is allot of fun and very typical of gamespot giving a Sony game a lower score then what it deserves
@TheZeroPercent I'm pretty sure they would get rid of the devision that isn't doing so well first and fwi the PlayStation part is actually do very well and I highly doubt they would get rid of it if anything they would make it bigger
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