@unreal_master and activision is the worse at it with their overprice dlc that should be less than a 1/3 of what they are charging for it and charging for stuff that should be in the game
also I prefer they way that the people are making starhawk does it where they release the game and wait and see what the gamers want then work on that and then release it
every post about the vita allot of people says it needs more games you guys just need to be patent this happens to every new systems and it also takes time to make games even more on a new system since they aren't used to making game for it
and I am sure at this years E3 they will announce tons of new vita games
@frydo no they aren't the people who buy stuff in d2 are idiots and deserved all that bad crap to them when it was very easy to get the items yourself with no risk at all and all the best items were made from other players that hacked the game and that is exactly what is going to happen here you have players that will hacked the game and get the best items then sell them for real money and there is really no need to buy items I have beaten d2 without buying hacking or someone giving me items or any help at all and I have gotten chrs up in the lvl 90s that way and it wasn't all that hard
@DragonRift what you don't get is that internet does go down and then you are screwed and you can't play d3 until it comes back up or lets say you want to play it on your laptop when you are traveling like on plane a train or a bus where there is no internet connection you are screwed because you can't play it
well all interest in this game is now gone lost most of when they announce that it requires that you have to be on-line to play and the stupid real money ah I do like the in game money one but with the real money one added on most people wont use the in-game they will use the real money and now they are charging fees for the real money which is way to high blizzard need to stop letting activision from ruining their company if they are doing it themselves well then they need to stop they are pretty much making themselves go bankrupted because they are losing allot of consumers will all the stupid crap they have been doing lately like me I'm not going to buy anything from them ever again I will just wait for warrior's lair to get released and I'll play that and anyone who gives me a thumbs down is a blinded blizzard fanboy and you deserved them stealing your money
@naurglin well if it is going to be anything like the first planet side game then yeah dust is going to be better and from your statement you have no idea what dust is going to be and I didn't say that planet side 2 is going to suck I just said dust will be better I did enjoyed the first one for a couple of months and I was pretty much doing what you did you said "Everything else seems so "meh" compared to it!" and how do you know that planet side 2 wont just suck not saying it will but it might since you haven't played it yet either to me planet side 2 seems meh when comparing it to dust
@naurglin planetside 2 is meh compare to dust 514 not saying it is going to be a bad game just dust 514 is way better and yes I have played it was at eve fanfest where it was the first time that people could play dust and it is awesome plus what they have plans for it in the future
shadowhunter0's comments