@Smithers2286 well super star dust delta will melt your eyes/brain because how great it looks on the vita btw screenshots and video doesn't do justice on how amazing games looks on the 5" OLED screen on the vita
btw there is a huge difference in playing psp games on the vita then on the psp not only that they look way better but also in games where you have to type in stuff you can use the touch screen to do so haven't tired to use the second analog stick for some of the games yet and there is a way to get all your digital psp games to play on your vita and not just the ones the ones they have listed just download them onto your ps3 but do not install them and transfer them over to your vita and they will automatically install and all the ones that I have tired works great
@Brokazaki which one will have the better gaming library will be base on opinion for example I prefer the games on the psp of the ds so for me the psp has a better library even though ds has more games but the psp has more games that I want to play and I believe it will be the same for me with the 3ds and vita hell there are already more games out now on the vita that I want to play then what is out and have been announce for the 3ds and for you it is the other way around and btw there are some games that I'm interested in on the 3ds just none of them are out and not enough to buy a 3ds so yeah which system has the better library is all base on opinion
@Renunciation you did make a good point about people having different opinion and just because you don't like handheld and think they are going to die out doesn't make it so just like me saying that they are awesome and going to last for long time only time will tell and most of those firmwares is to improve the console for an example the latest firmware patch for the vita added something like Google maps video recording and HTML support granted sometimes it looses stuff but that mainly because of hackers and people who pirate games and that is the reason why vita is so encrypted has it is now and the reason why I didn't post anything about the 3ds is because I hardly know anything about it I don't own one or right now have any interests in getting one not say that it sucks it is just I don't care for it now this is my last post and I did this entire post on my vita
@SteveMcD01 I play on both and I own a vita and I can tell you that is is well worth the price hell I remember when they announce they price at E3 and almost everybody at the event was cheering even in these comments most of the people were happy about the price until Nintendo lower the price of the 3ds but unlike the 3ds the price of the vita is well worth it
@Renunciation proof that they are bundling them together it is near the bottom of the post and they have said it other times has well http://blog.us.playstation.com/2011/11/22/introducing-motorstorm-rc-for-psn-and-ps-vita/ and I remember reading in a magazine that warrior's lair will also be like that as well
@inaka_rob played those and was bored in under 5mins on each of them and I play on both my psp well now vita and my ps3 and you actually believe there are smart phone games that rival all games on a handheld then you haven't played any good handheld game and yes handheld games cost more but they are worth it I spent $45 on uncharted golden abyss and that game is allot of and way better than any smart phone game
@Renunciation wrong again games that are getting release at the same time for both the ps3 and vita are being bundle motorstorm:ac is a perfect example and I sure that warriors lair and mlb the show are looking into it has well
@Renunciation that is a load of bs I'm 27 and I play on pc ps3 and vita and I bought them all with my own money that I made from having a job and I know people that are in their 40s that also has handheld and home console just because you see no use for them doesn't make it so
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