@Supabul they was making a oblivion game for the psp but it got cancelled I do hope they make a skyrim game for the vita that uses the same save data has the ps3 so you can play it on the ps3 save it then continue where you left off on the vita
I thought Resistance: Burning Skies was going to be release after the vita launch by like couple of months I'm going to be very busy playing all these vita games plus starhawk twisted metal and some other games has well
@dxdevilex0 what do you mean the price it is a great price for what you are getting and allot of people including myself thought the price would be higher anyways there looks like there will be 9 game so far that I want at launch and we still have like 3 months to go for it to launch here in the US also we still haven't heard much about 3rd party tittles that will be available at launch
@williamzamora um lets I'm not that interested in a game but I watch a video that someone post on youtube that show what you can do in that game gets my interested in the game and I go at and buy it and I love play that game so without the ability for people to post stuff about that game I wouldn't have bought it so actually it helps people to get interested in stuff also if this goes through place like this website will shutdown and and probably place like youtube will too and allot of people will loose their job so this is actually a bad thing
@Alex_09 actually I had and I did the favorite mods of a game and it made it worse so tired it again on couple of other games to see if it was a fluke but it wasn't on all of them it made it worse or didn't make any difference
I always wanted to crafted in oblivion and now I can in Skyrim and you can even make dragon armor when you hit 100 in smithing and get the perk to do it
@Cloud-Zehro actually I don't care either way which is the way it should be when I used to play diablo 1 &2 I didn't care what sex my chr is I cared about what class that I wanted to play it is the same with all games I don't care what sex the chr is has long has the game is fun to play that is all that matters
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