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shadowsurvivor1 Blog

This blog ends with you!

Y hello thar everyone.

I got FLCL volume 2. It was just incredible. More humor, more action, more WTFs, etc. Sucks it's only a 2 book series though :(

I also got Reborn! volume 3. It was pretty good, very funny, Reborn's costumes make me rofl, and the facial expressions burn my eyes.

Cross Country kills my legs. Srsly.



Oh, sorry for yet another Twewy joke. So zetta old.


Well lookee here

GS got a makeover. Epic win. Everything's great except for the font in the blog comment boxes, I mean WTF?

Coincidentally, that DBZ site I've mentioned got a makeover. BLATANT ADVERTISING, BEWARE!

Hurr, short blog.


(p.s. Yes, I do know it's spelled wrong.)

Flictonic Klipple Waver Syndrome

'Ello everyone. I'm actually making a blog. Joy.

To start off with, I bought

FLCL volume 1. It's some pretty insane stuff. It's basically about this high-school nobody named Naoto and his friend Mamimi. One day the two are up on a hill talking when they look over and see a girl riding a really tiny motercycle and going around 50 mph. Seems pretty boring right? Well, the girl screams like a banshee and proceeds to smack Naota in the face with her guitar. Later, a giant robot hand a giant robot with a TV head come out of his face. Fun times. They fight, the girl bashes them with her guitar, etc etc etc. Stuff happens, Naoto grows a horn and is sent to the hospital, where he is diagnosed with Flictonic Klipple Waver Syndrome ( ORIGINAL TITLE AMIRITE? ), a purely psychological adolescent epidermal ossifying syndrom. The nurse turns around and reveals herself to be the guitar girl. More stuff happens, it's crazy GO BUY IT NOW.

Now that that's out of the way, I'd like to say Cross Country practice started today. I'd LIKE to say it but this is a blog and you probably wouldn't hear me. Anyway, all we do is walk to a nearby park and run for 20 minutes. Then we go home. :P

In further news, America has entered a whole new world of stupidity. Apparently the troops have to PAY THE AIRLINES FOR EXTRA BAGGAGE. I mean COME ON? WTF? They say they get reimbursed. It's war. What are your chances of coming back alive? It's like the airlines are getting paid to send people off to die. Way to go, America.

Also, if you ever see volume 1, flip to page 14. It's officially the best panel in a manga. Ever. Ever.

Oh, yeah, I'm reading Ichigo 100% on It's hilarious.


School started today.

Yups. Epic fail and all that. I made a convinient list of interesting things that happened :P

-Two of the teachers, Mr Morgan and Mrs Self, gave us sheets with questions such as What is your favorite movie?
-On one of these, under my favorite TV show I put Bleach. Mr. Morgan had no clue what I was on about :lol:
-A person (Anon :P ), under what he wanted to be after College, put Stay at home dad :lol:
-Under a 3 word summary for myself, I put Why So Serious?
-I had to eat in high school lunch. Fail.
-The high school prinicple changed my schedule so I don't have to eat in high school lunch. Win :D
-I made a blog! Hooray!

I know it's short :lol:


Moar on my friend

Remember him? Diabetes? Two blogs ago? Yeah. Well, he FINALLYgot out of the hospital today, which is a great relief to me. He'll also be able to come to school Thursday, and stuff.


*pop music plays*

I'm gonna go celebrate.


This is horrible....

It's about a really good friend of mine, Matthew Steed.

His mom niticed he had lost quite a bit of weight, so she took him to get a physical. Apparently, his blood pressure was really high. The doctor told him to come back tomorrow/today to see if it was ok. It hadn't changed a bit. He had to be taken to the emergency room, and...... they think he has Type 1 Diabetes...

I really hope he'll be ok...

Random stuff I'm using as an excuse for a blog

I needed an excuse, and life just happened to give my something interesting.

First things first, Superior Saturday, the 6th book in Garth Nix's Keys to the Kingdom series, is finally out. Obviously, I got it. I also found out that the final book in the Artemis Fowl series is out, but I didn't have enough money on me to get both, so I stuck with Saturday :P

More books....Let's see.... Uncle John's Curiously Compelling Bathroom Reader ( :lol: ), Stormbreaker,'s it :P

And with all these books, I STILL haven't finished Kidnapped, my summer reading book :lol: Shame on me. SHAME.

IWBTG progress

Bosses defeated : Mike Tyson.
Bowser, etc. : Still haven't bothered :lol:
After Mike Tyson : Mother Brain has WAAAAAAYY to many projectiles. HAAARD.
Secret Items : I have no clue how I'm going to even get close to those.


I'm going to go see Get Smart today. Woop-de-doo.

Eh heh heh heh... Nothing else to talk about...


I wanna be teh guy

Yeah, I got it.

Seriously, it's harder than Battletoads. But enough about that.

Apparently, the story is about this kid (aptly named The Kid) who, on his 15th birthday, wants to go out and become The Guy, and all he takes with him is this tiny little pistol thing. When you start off, there are 3 paths. One leads to Mike Tyson. One leads to Bowser, Wart, and Dr. Wily. The third leads to some wierd crossover between Mr. T and the Hulk.

So far, my progress is...
Mike Tyson path : Just beat him, I'm about 4 screens away.
Mr T the Hulk : Stuck on freakin Tetris Land.
Bowser and co. : Haven't bothered with them :lol:

Sooooo yeah. Do you wanna download it? CLICK HERE.

That's about it. I'm gonna go fail some more at it, so


Back. Woots.

Yup, back from D.C. a day earlier than expected. Yay and stuffs. ENTER BIG REPORT THING OF WHAT I DID.

Day 1 : We flew, drove, and checked in to our hotel.

Day 2 : We went to Yorktown. We saw the cannons. We went into a historic house where one of the rangers told us all he did was sit around and read :lol: Sounds like my kind of job!
We also went to Jamestown and saw this cool archeological(sp?) dig, and a museum of all the pots, dice, coins, cadavers, etc. that they dug up, and to top it all off it was built on the original foundations for... I think it was the first house in the town. I don't know :P But yeah, it was cool.

Day 3 : Went to Colonial Williamsburg, took a tour of the Town Hall and some Whetherburn(sp?) Tavern. We also saw two more digs, and at the second one (which has the awesomely awesome name of Ravenscroft. I wish my last name was Ravenscroft), a student from The College of William and Mary (they were doing the dig) got to talking with my parents, and they asked her stuff about the college. After answering, she turned to me and said "So, are you thinking about applying there or something?"
Hilarity. After that little episode, it was pretty uneventful though.

Day 4 : We left our little Embassy Suites hotel and drove into D.C. After arriving at the Radisson, we took the Metro over to the Spy Museum. Personally, I think this was the best part of the trip. I won't go into a load of detail, but they had James Bonds car, with the machine guns and everything. It was incredible. After that, we went into the omfg-it's-so-freakin-big Museum of Natural Science. I liked it. Seriously, I can't do detail at the moment, so go ahead and bite me for it :P
And AFTER THAT, we walked over to the Air and Space museum (my legs were killing me) and walked through that. FINALLY when we were done we walked down to L'Enfant station and rode back to the Largo station, then drove back to the hotel and jumped on to the beds to sleep :P

Day 5 : More Metro, this time after getting off at L'Enfant we walked through the Indian museum thing. Then.... we went back to the hotel and rested some more :lol:

Day 6 : We came home. I typed up this blog. Duh.

Nothing else to say really.


