If you read the articles, they said the destructible environments wont be just glasses. If they mean big, they mean buildings and such. Anyways, Battlefield's destructiblity is awful anyway. It's very buggy. Anyway I will do a little chart here. Modern warfare 3 will add much more things than Battlefield 3, right off the bat, mw3 will have 16 new maps where as Battlefield 3 will have only 9 maps which are new. Already, MW3 will feature 7 new maps, need to say more? Also MW3 is adding more game modes unlike Battlefield 3, Battlefield 3 still has the old game modes like Conquest, Rush, SDM. Modern warfare will have more weapons too, more killstreaks. Also judging from the alpha footage, Battlefield 3 is already a broken game with 3D spotting where snipers could spot someone blindly. Theres nothing to argue about. MW3 will patch all the flaws from MW2 so yeah.[QUOTE="shahilsyed"][QUOTE="Wasdie"]
Nothing outside of the glass in any of the MW3 videos was destructible. Small, static environments. That's what MW3 has.
First off that article is old and every video we've seen of MW3 tells a different story. That destruction was nothing more than a quick statement by the developer after seeing BF3 for the first time. The article is also only commenting on rumors, all of which have turned out to be false.
Second Battlefield's destructibility fundamentally changes how each map plays. Walls getting blown out, cover getting destroyed, buildings collapsing all radically changes the environments. Bad Company 1 and 2 have been a testing ground for this gameplay mechanic and with each iteration they have improved it greatly. Now the grenade launcher is actually usefull for something more than cheap kills. With the destruction, each weapon and tool in the game assumes multiple roles.
Next the 16 maps in MW3 are tiny compared to the 9 maps in BF3. Each map in previous Battlefield games on the PC plays completely different than the other. That has always been something very unique to Battlefield. Some maps require a balance of transportation and air superiority, other maps require lots of tanks and armor, and some maps require skilled infantry. All of which feel like Battlefield, but require different tactics. Other shooters like CoD, Counterstrike, Unreal Tourny (ect.) require you only to memorize new layouts, camping positions, sniping locations and they don't play out much differently than other maps. Also they are tiny with half the detail and a fourth of the scale of a Battlefield map. You could fit all 16 maps of MW3 into a single BF3 map, guarantee it.
Battlefield's conquest mode maybe the same as before, but as I just mentioned, each map requires a whole different strategy and approach to win. There is much more variety game play options in a Battlefield game, this is why it has always had some problems
If you've also been following the BF3 development you would know that things like the 3D spotting from the alpha have already been patched up and they are reducing the amount of damage some of the weapons do and tweaking other aspects. The beta comes out this month for further balancing. CoD doesn't even bother with betas and that's why MW2 was such a mess and the PS3 and PC versions of Black Ops were a joke at launch.
I hate to be talking about BF3 in the MW3 thread, but this kind of warranted a reply. Note I'm not bashing MW3 here, I know it's a different styIe of game than BF so bashing it for the reasons I'm talking about above with Battlefield is pointless.
Firstly, if you've been following fourzerotwo alot in his twitter you would understand he clearly said that MW3 will hace destructibility but it is not confirmed what kind. I as far as I know, it wont be simple glass-breaking. And no, none of the maps in batlefield actually require any strategy. Anybody could be a sniper, camp in a bush and rack up as many kills without doing objectives and rank up. It also depends in what kind of server you're playing in. The fact that all maps are similar in Battlefield, for example Panama Canal in BFBC2 and White Pass and Laguna Alta al have the same big house. All maps have the same kind of building, they all look identical as hell. But this is my experience from other battlefield games, Battlefield 3 may be different though. 3D spotting may be patched but claymores will be a bigger problem honestly. Also Robert Bowling clearly said the MW3 will have more bigger, complex maps in MW3 in his twitter. But as people say same game gets boring but the same old game modes in Battlefield get really boring and its a fact.
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