CodBO is such a poor game its unreal. Its a random mess of random spawning, shooting some peeps in the back, then getting shot in your back from an enemy that spawns in behind you, and repeat. There is nothing more to it, its just hidden behind the perks system. How well you do on it is entirely dependant on having the best connection, and getting lucky with spawning in the best places, and it takes no skill at all. Even worse, it rewards the people doing best by giving them silly bonus weapons with which to rack up endless free kills so they can basically sit back and collect the win. Its lame and I really dont like the whole setup, even the maps are designed so you can defend anything anywhere ever, you just get shot in the back soon as you try it. Nobody cares about stratergy or dieing because your back on quicker than you can say 'darn it I got shot again'.
Battlefield has always been the much better title, but its not as popular because it takes actual thought and skill to be good at it.
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