Suda 51 is overrated. The reason why Shadows of The Damned was awesome was because of Mikami and Yamaoka's music. Next. Mikami's new game with Bethesda! Now that is something to get excited for.
@Rhythmthief There's what you call opinion, and there are also facts. Would you call those games 'non' Star Wars games (some which are very dear to long time videogamers) just because they don't have lightsabers? That's not even an opinion mate.
@mati2121 Bounty Hunter, Republic Commando, X-Wing, TIE Fighter, Rebel Assault, Galactic Battlegrounds, Starfighter, Jedi Starfighter, Empire at War and a bunch others disagree with you.Some opinions are just better left unsaid.
Ugh, stop defending Mass Effect GS, and stop mocking our intelligence. They knew the endings were crap, and damage control happened after some questionable decisions over the endings.
shalashaska88's comments