Be smart and get something else until more games comes out. Until Mario for the holiday at least. by than there will be a reasonable amount of games. Personally i still would'nt get it b/c of the price point when you can get many new triple A games for both consoles and PC like dawn of war 3 on PC for that route.
Don't know why you people are buying it for 1 game at launch and 1 game in December. That's a huge gap in between. All old games in between and nothing new to compare to PS4 and XBOX.
@lostn: good on you. i say at least wait until holiday season if you must have one. For me i already have PS 4 Pro and PC so i don't need to spend more money plus the online payment after the free trail
@gameroutlawzz sure its great but so are alot other games on other consoles. Will that game last until the next big game comes out?. NO!. Compare to PS 4 and Xbox they have more games coming out this month until the end of the year where there is no big gaps. Games that are both exclusive and not. Plus alot of their games have no date so again you have gaps. Money is not easy to earn so use it wisely and those people who Preorders the system don't know what a good value is. Think about long term. When you compare and contrast all 3 system the switch is not a good value. Do remember you have to pay for their online service. So thats another thing to pay on top of PSN and xbox live. Even the accessories are expensive.
shamatuu257's comments