You have a console that is upscaling from 720p to 1080p. So it's stretching the image to twice its size, you can imagine how ugly that would look. ocstew
It's upscaling, not stretching. Two totally different things.
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You have a console that is upscaling from 720p to 1080p. So it's stretching the image to twice its size, you can imagine how ugly that would look. ocstew
Hi everyone. I've been caught up in the 720p/1080 trap. I have a Samsung 19" tv which can only go up to 1080i. Having seen that most ps3 games are 720p, I was wondering whether to change the tv settings to 720p. Any advice? Thanks
Yes you will, stick with what you got, also the new Mortal Kombat is in 1080p.ultimameteora
I'm no tv wiz lol, but yeh there would be a difference. They say that 1080p is most noticeable on over 32" tvs, which I assume you have. I say keep it man, your lucky, I'm playing ps3 on a 19" Samsung.H_M_1
if you're only playing console games you wont notice a difference because they all only play at 720 anyway. TheMistique
my point wasto save cash and get a better model , didnt say he should get a sony tv cause other are incompatible ;) and yeah i remeber you too in that thread[QUOTE="AmnesiaHaze"]
You do know having a Sony TV has nothing to do with having a PS3 right? (Except that XMB thing which not many use.) Getting a Panasonic plasma or even a 3D projector would've been the same. Compatability would've been the same.
I think I remember your thread about picking up that TV actually :lol:
Saving up and waiting really is the best option.
@Shawty. I actually had an answer for your last response but closed it before hitting submit on accident. Instead, I'll give you some parts of what I typed.
If he really wants to know the ins and outs, what works and what doesn't, I'll tell him everything I can. I responded with info on what I though he'd be using it for, mainly video games and Blu-Rays considering what website we're at.
Sony and Microsoft could be going towards cloud gaming, that was the point of not knowing what way consoles will go. OnLive has terrible quality at 720p, and won't be fixed/viable until every subscriber has fiber optic connection speeds. Forward doesn't have to improve power, it could improve simplicity, among other things, and cloud streaming would definitely benefit those companies. No piracy and no one to hack their precious consoles.
Sorry I don't keep up-to-date with smartphones. Not sure who would even play those videos on their TV anyway. I understand what some may not do, others might actually do, but again I aimed my response towards what I thought he'd be mainly using this for.
Why buy a 3D with glasses used 1080p display when polarized is being pushed now that its viable in the home? DisplayPort will soon be on TVs which can do 3D even at the resolution of those 30" monitors that cost an arm and a leg. Not to mention glasses-less is right around the corner too. Then we also have OLED displays that'll be here in a few years, and maybe even 4K2K resolution displays if we're lucky. Home theater receivers are already getting scaling chips put into them for 4k2k support. Onkyo's new lineup that just released has these chips. Future-proofing is a ridiculous concept. If he really wants a 3DTV, get the cheapest one you can find with the best value because there are betting displays with much better tech comming out soon.
He didn't have to get that TV. Its called a suggestion. He could've asked which would've been the best to get and I would've told him the ST30 (If he was sitting close enough for 1080p that is.) There's no need to get so worked up over a suggestion.
LG 42PW350 (Not 1080p but unless you game on PC or watch blu-rays, nothing is. 3DTVs are limited to 720p 3D anyway)
No really, what phones are 1080p video, or even have a camera good enough for that kind of quality? Theres very little console games that can do 1080p. About 4 main titles that are very old and no one even plays, then theres the few PSN/XBLA games that do 1080p. Do you really need 1080p for Asteroids though?
We don't even know what direction future consoles are going in, or when they will have 1080p games for that matter. We also don't even know how far the TV is sitting to make 1080p worth it.
3DTVs can only display 1080p Blu-Ray in 3D. You can't do 3D 1080p games with any 3DTV besides Mitsubishis but those usethe older and inferior3D format. Only with Nvidia 3D Vision monitors can you get 1080p 3D outside of Blu-Ray material. Theres not a single 3DTV can has dual-link DVI/HDMI(And you're telling me to lay back on advice until I know what I'm talking about.)
LG 42PW350 (Not 1080p but unless you game on PC or watch blu-rays, nothing is. 3DTVs are limited to 720p 3D anyway)
Its a 720p TV. Modern TVs can accept higher signals, such as 1080i and 1080p and downscale them to your TV's native resolution. Otherwise, the 720p signal is being upscaled to whatever the actual native resolution is. For some reason 720p TVs never have an actual 720p pixel count. Its always something slightly above that.
Really doesn't matter what setting you have it at.
Uh, I know that. I'm going by the marketing term. I really haven't seen a single TV that had a true 1280x720 pixel count. They've all been below 720p, or the 1366x768.
Its a 720p TV. Modern TVs can accept higher signals, such as 1080i and 1080p and downscale them to your TV's native resolution. Otherwise, the 720p signal is being upscaled to whatever the actual native resolution is. For some reason 720p TVs never have an actual 720p pixel count. Its always something slightly above that.
Really doesn't matter what setting you have it at.
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