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#1 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

Dude I lost all respect for you when you cried to the MODS.
There was maybe an ounce of respect for you going toe to toe with me for so long.
But, man when you cried MOD you lost.

I don't even wanna read your rants anymore.
You said that 60" and 22" are the SAME. Obviously they are not the SAME, if one has bigger PIXELS.
Is a scale model of the White House, the SAME as the actual White House? They may both look the same from a certain viewing distance, but obviously one does not equate to the other. From Mars everything on Earth looks the same, so I guess they are all the SAME.

This is the last reply to your rant, the pimp does not debate with people to go crying to mommy.


Once again, I never said anything to the mods, so there is someone else who does not agree to your debating skills.

And again, bigger pixels does not equate to better 1080p image.

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#2 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts


[QUOTE="pimperjones"] I get what you mean. You basically want something to upscale 480p signal to 1080p before being output into your TV. In other words you don't want your TV to do the upscaling for you which is what's happening now, apparent LG has really horrible upscaling fron what I gather. You will never get pixel per pixel mapping of a true 1080p signal with any hardware upscaling. But to get what you want, you need a hardware upscaler independent of your TV. For your DVD Player, you need a 1080p upscaling DVD Player. This will do exactly what you are asking. It will upconvert the 480p signal to 1080p before sending it to your TV. Thus your TV will say 1080p in it's signal display box. Doing this actually gets better results then TV upscalers. P.S Don't listen to Shawty1984, this guy has no idea what he's talking about. pimperjones

Having another go are you?

A DVD scaler depenent on price will be no better than what the TV scales. Most cheap DVD upscalers are a con and just a waste of money.

Hey, Einstein why don't you try answering the man's question for once, instead of giving people your wild personal opinions. Nobody asked for your opinons on a scaler.
He asked for a device that upconverts 480p signals to 1080p for the TV. The answer Cha Chin "A hardware scaler"
I guess you couldn't google that answer could ya. Once again, proving you're a noob.

P.S It's "dependent" not depenent. For crying out loud have some self respect. Please don't go crying to mods again, LOL. I'm sorry, I will play nice. LOL

Because I was replying to you.

Oh sorry, I made a spelling mistake, someone shoot me. Crying to the mods again? I never did it the first time.

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#3 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

[QUOTE="xfactor19990"]Wow haha I missed a big debate, darn u l4d2!pimperjones

You didn't miss much. Some noob decided to get all high and mighty with some googled info. I had to put him in his place.Basically the debate went something like this.

The Pimp - 1080p is great at 42", and get's even better as you go up in size. The details become really apparent at larger sizes.
The Noob - No man, my googling tells me that 1080p = 1920x1080 and that the size doesn't matter. A 60" 1080p TV is the same as a 22" TV.There is no difference.
The Pimp - Size does matter, because viewing distance must be applied to the equation. The bigger the TV the larger the pixels, thus the easier it is to see the details.
The Noob - Oh I forgot to mention viewing distance and larger pixels, I'm a noob. But I mentioned it in the past.

The Pimp - Who gives a sht what you mentioned in the past, just stick to our debate.

The Noob - Waah, waah, waah.

You still dont get it do you. I dont know how to put this any way else.

1080p does not look better the higher in screen size you go, it can never look better as resolution is fixed. 1080p is 1080p. How can 1080p look better than 1080p.

Again, my first post in this thread clearly states viewing distance. A 22" 1080p TV will look the same as a 60" 1080p if both are viewed from the correct distance. Just because the TV is bigger and the pixels are bigger, does not mean you get any more detail from 1080p, it just means you have to sit further back so you dont see the indvidual pixels.

And your calling me the 'noob' when your the one that thinks bigger pixels makes 1080p better.

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#4 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts


[QUOTE="pimperjones"] LMAOL I think I've touched on a sour note my boy. Touchy, touchy, don't start crying yet it's almost Chistmas it's a time of festivities, not tears. You just picked the wrong Pimp to mess with. It's not my fault that you're a noob who gets his info from google, while I get mine from actual working experience. No need to start CAPITALIZING ALL YOUR POSTS NOW. This was the rise that I was trying to get from you from the start. Mission accomplished. Another cocky noob in tears.


If your sole purpose is to post false information on the internet and then try and get people angry, all the while giving yourself the name the pimp, while trying to get yourself out of a hole you have dug by mentioning my low post count,I would look in the mirror before you post any more, because that my friend is one sad situation.

The hole I dug???? I'm not the one crying here.
You lost the debate the moment you neglected to mention viewing distance in your stupid reply. In your sad attempt to sound condescending you forgot to mention the one thing that would have made your argument valid.
I think I've proven beyond a shadow of doubt as who won the debate. You fcked up kid, now just face it and quit pretending to be some guru. Google geniuses like you are dime a dozen, being able to google that 1080p = 1920 x 1080, don't make you some kinda Tzar of the topic. And trying to teach someone who actually works in media, about media with your googled knowledgeis sadly laughable.
I only did what someone should have done a long time ago, which to expose you for the noob that you are.
It was your arrogance and ego, that got you into this mess. So, your tears is justified.
And don't give me that sht about how you mentioned viewing distance in your other posts, I don't read posts by noobs unless they are directed at me. And for the sake of our argument, you mentioned jack squat, and for that you failed epically. Don't make me bring up the fact that I had to correct you with 3 mentions of viewing distance, before you realized your epic failure.

End of schooling. Noob 0 The Pimp 3.
Bring on the tears

You sir, are ........

In your attempt at trying to win something that cant be won have overlooked my first post in this topic which can clearly be seen by everyone which states viewing distance. You fail at debate and you feel at reading and you fail at arguments.

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#5 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

[QUOTE="costyssj4"]What i am trying to do is make the TV stay at 1080p and run the program channels. that are standard definiton. I want to upscale the image so it will not look with shifted pixels that you get with anything lower that native resolution. Especially since its the lowest which makes it look very poor quality and even my standart CRT TV looks better. I was thinking there was such an accesory that i can connect my TVbox signal to that accesory and then to my TV.pimperjones
I get what you mean. You basically want something to upscale 480p signal to 1080p before being output into your TV. In other words you don't want your TV to do the upscaling for you which is what's happening now, apparent LG has really horrible upscaling fron what I gather. You will never get pixel per pixel mapping of a true 1080p signal with any hardware upscaling. But to get what you want, you need a hardware upscaler independent of your TV. For your DVD Player, you need a 1080p upscaling DVD Player. This will do exactly what you are asking. It will upconvert the 480p signal to 1080p before sending it to your TV. Thus your TV will say 1080p in it's signal display box. Doing this actually gets better results then TV upscalers. P.S Don't listen to Shawty1984, this guy has no idea what he's talking about.

Having another go are you?

A DVD scaler depenent on price will be no better than what the TV scales. Most cheap DVD upscalers are a con and just a waste of money.

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#6 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts


[QUOTE="pimperjones"]For a guy with only 162 posts you are cocky, I give you that.pimperjones

Oh, not another one.

Ive had this argument with a poster who had the same views as resolution as you have and he also stated my post count.


LMAOL I think I've touched on a sour note my boy. Touchy, touchy, don't start crying yet it's almost Chistmas it's a time of festivities, not tears. You just picked the wrong Pimp to mess with. It's not my fault that you're a noob who gets his info from google, while I get mine from actual working experience. No need to start CAPITALIZING ALL YOUR POSTS NOW. This was the rise that I was trying to get from you from the start. Mission accomplished. Another cocky noob in tears.

If your sole purpose is to post false information on the internet and then try and get people angry, all the while giving yourself the name the pimp, while trying to get yourself out of a hole you have dug by mentioning my low post count,I would look in the mirror before you post any more, because that my friend is one sad situation.

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#7 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

What i am trying to do is make the TV stay at 1080p and run the program channels. that are standard definiton. I want to upscale the image so it will not look with shifted pixels that you get with anything lower that native resolution. Especially since its the lowest which makes it look very poor quality and even my standart CRT TV looks better. I was thinking there was such an accesory that i can connect my TVbox signal to that accesory and then to my TV.costyssj4

Your TV will be upscalling anything it recieves even when it says 576i as the input. I prefer to have my SD channels as original and not streched to fir the screens resolution.

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#8 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

It's obvious that he thought I was some two bit fool, but realized he was dealing with the PIMP. No pun intended. Nobody messes with the pimp on his own turf. LOL


You can sit there all you want and argue with yourself.

My posts go back to 2007 and if I believe Im correct (havent checked my posting history for a while) you will see back in 2007 I was stating viewing distance. You might try and win this debate, but you lost it at the very first post you made in here.

Now if you really want to be embarrased, go back to page one on this thread and before I even started this argument with you, read my post I amde to someone else.

Here I will help you,

"No, any size TV/Monitor will be the same difference between 1080p and 720p ifboth viewed from the correct distance."

So your long post here really means nothing does it. As I clearly stated as above before we even had this argument. Like I said, try all you want, you will not win this, the posts are clearly there for everyone to see.

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#9 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

For a guy with only 162 posts you are cocky, I give you that.pimperjones

Oh, not another one.

Ive had this argument with a poster who had the same views as resolution as you have and he also stated my post count.


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#10 shawty1984
Member since 2007 • 938 Posts

The following statements are based on logic and common sense. Which you apparently lack, but what you lack you make up for in ego. Congrats.

1) Most people don't live in Donald Trumps house.
So 42" is the perfect for most households who sit between 5-7 feet away. - Hence SWEETSPOT.

2) It only gets better as you go up.
The bigger the pixel the more likely you are to see each minute detail, such as film's grain particles.
Hence it gets better as if goes up. That's why bigger TVs cost more. By your logic a 60" is no better than a 22". Your logic is flawed.

3) I think 32" 1080p TV is an overkill. Reason you need to sit closer than3 feet to actually see the details. So unless you're using it as an PC monitor it is a overkill.

Sorry but I'm destined to bust up your Ego today.

The ego on you is astounding. If I have no clue of image resolution I gotta get a new job, as I work in the media sector. Unlike you I get my facts from the source and not google. I've worked on 2K displays running DaVinci Suites thank you very much.


1) What dont you get about everyones setup and everyones living room been different? There is no sweetspot because of this. This is pretty simple and basic. You will also find the majority of TV sales will be to people who know nothing about size in relation to resolution.

2) Your totally wrong. How many times, 1080p is 1080p, its the same be it at 22" or 60". The bigger the pixels only means you need to sit further away so you dont notice them, hence the difference between 1080p at 22" is the same as 1080p at 60", your sitting at the correct distance not to seethe pixels.

3) Actually, 32" at 1080p is more 4ft-5ft. Which is ideal for small bedrooms or small living rooms or small setups. Not overkill one bit at all. You just dont want to beseen looking stupid.

And if thats your job, your not very knowledgeable at all.