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shazanarkand Blog

PS3! Sony Conference

Ok what i can't understand is why so many people are disappointed with what they saw. This by far is going to be a sick system!



1. The power of the machine is amazing!

2. The games: Anyone see Heavenly Sword/Resistance Fall of Man/The card game with eye toy - which personally is one of the collested ideas in gaming i have ever seen/FF13 and FFV13/PS1 games on the PsP. Also anyone see the formula 1 race car game where u can have ur PsP as the view behind you... Thats sick!

3. The Controller: The controller is tight. What most controllers in the past and Xbox360 doesn't have is the PS3 controller works in 3D or as they said "6 different angles". Just imagine playing Warhawk! I mean who here has played Crimson Sky for the xbox? I bet alot of you when flying started to move your controller around to make those tight turns. Now if you do move the controller it helps!

4. The PS3 Online Experience: Now i do have Xbox Live and its similar to the PS3 Online but with the added features PS3 has XBL is falling behind... I mean you can download PS1 games to the PSP. There is a myspace type profile for everyone. Rankings... Downloads... Music... Movies... etc. To me that is close to XBL but this has more content for a cheaper price. But the best part by far of the online survice that XBL doesnt have is private servers. You can host ur own server and let only your friends in or what ever you like with it.

5. Real Time: Now i have always been angry with the fan boys who always say "CGI", now they can't. We saw Heavely sword in action and by far it was breathtaking! Resistance: Fall of Man was Breathtaking too! All of that was real-time gameplay running on the base PS3.

6. Pricing: It always made me laugh when we had people talking about the price being $800+... Now the pricing for the stuff given is amazing. I spent $2000 on my computer a year ago and now the PS3 rivals mine but its 75% less and it has Blue-Ray! That is probably one of the best deals i have ever seen. This is like a Las Vegas steak dinner for $5.99 lol! Just look at the pricing:

             1. $499 for a the console, controller, most likely a game, 20 g hard drive, and PS3 Online

             2. $599 for a the console, controller, most likely a game, 60 g hard drive, and probably PS3 Online Gold account (something like it)

If anyone has seen the South Park episode where the Wal Mart comes to town "Its complicated economics, so complicted i don't even know how it works..." lol (what the quote is close enough... doesnt have to be the exact words)

Now my point is everyone should actually think about what they released in the news. By far the PS3 is making me want to go back to console gaming and finally find something to leave WoW for lol.

Heavenly Sword!



Crysis is going to be sick... All the pics shown here are real time and what the engine can produce...

Well Just got the Xbox 360 and...

I just got the Xbox 360 and i was surprised, its not that great! I mean perfect dark is good until you reach the 30 minutes playing time and you just say, man ill go play world of warcraft or something lol.

The only thing that i found good was the xbox live.

Halo 2>Perfect Dark

(I still want the Ps3 more!)


Well I have to say Nvida is the way to go! Not only they have amazing graphics cards but just takes makes ATI crumble like a cookie!

PS3 or Xbox 360

Well its a tough match! I mean Xbox 360 is going to have Halo 3 (Which i may say is NOT going to come out around PS3 Launch. Just becasue Bungie hasn't realeased anything and Bungie not Microsoft can say when it is going to come out.) And PS3 is going to have Killzone PS3 and Project IM. So both systems are going to have killer First Person shooters. So the two remaing things are hardware and online. Now with Hardware, there is no comparison, PS3 is going to whoop Xbox 360's @#$! I mean Nvida and its cpu just out ran the Xbox 360. Now on to Online Play. Well Xbox Live just took out PS2 online. There are more games online for xbox and just more fun. Now all PS3 needs is a great online system and we can say Xbox 360 is going to see alot of PS3's butt!

Im undecided (I WANT BOTH LOL)

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