18. Faith No More

With their fusion of heavy metal, funk, hip-hop, and progressive rock, Faith No More has earned a substantial cult following. but when they reached the 90's they were master of alternative rock, After many lead singers including Courtney love at one point, they finally found Mike Patten which helped bring the band to the main stream, with some cool hits like Epic, Midlife Crisis and Arabian Disco you really feel rock can be combinded to gother.
17. Garbage

Garbage at the time was considered as ant-pop, the band had the same sound but they lyrics were apparently disturbing and dark. A young Scottish vixen and some rock legends team up together to combine a new wave of music, Garbage used the ****of 80's underground alterative bands such as Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine and The Pixies, I think the song Only happy when it rains a rock anthem
16. Less Than Jake

formed in 1992 as a power pop trio with heavy punk leanings, Less Than Jake steadily transformed into a ska-inspired punk band with the addition of a horn section, Less Than Jake, Followed the traits of most ska/pop type bands made their songs very ideal such as Plastic cup Polotics adding a dimension of teenage confusion with the sence of pop culture.
15. The Distillers

The hardcore punk outfit the Distillers first came together in late 1998, and sadly ended in 2005 with the band splitting of to do there own thing, Brody Dole (Vocals) sang about moving from Australia and getting messed up in the punk culture. Its such a shame this band split up with only bringing out 3 albums.
14. Social Distortion

ial D was one of the big punk bands to rise up from the California scene in the 80's, The band has had many changes but The main man Mike Ness (vocals & guitar) has stayed to keep the band running, Ness's music influance has to be the most bizzare from his love of johnny cash which the band did a cover version of Ring of Fire.
13. Rise Against

With a new era of newpunk bands come into the blue, Rise against were of the new bands the used aharcore influance from bands like black flag, andthe misfits, Tim Mcalith I think is a great punk rock singer, every album they bring out gets better and better, All though swing life away was rubbish boys!

At the end of the 80's metal was coming to an end, Grunge and Alternative rock were rising from the shadows, It all changed within 1994, Korn bought the world of metal back onto the scene, I remember reading about some kid got suspended from a school for whereing a Korn T-shirt WTF? anyways Korns music was somthing that got methough my teen years, But after Take alook in the mirror I felt the band went down the toilet. Still Korn is One unique band.
11. Guns and Roses

At a time when pop was dominated by dance music and pop, Guns N' Roses brought raw, ugly rock & roll crashing back into the charts. They were not nice boys; nice boys don't play rock & roll, To put it simply I think Guns and roses were the last true rock act, Why do I say were? cause when slash left the band I felt the band died, Axle Rose is an Ididot, but when they were huge they were amazing.
well dudes thats part 2 out of the way, I hope you enjoyed it, your probaly punked out :D Part 3 & 4 will be soon so LOOK OUT!
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