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Left 4 Dead 2 never gets old.

With the release of Left 4 Dead 2's new DLC last week the passing itsadded some new zombie killing fun.

I have to say just 3 maps is a bit dissapointing maybe a whole new campaign or somthing but the did add two new weapons a golf club and a big M60 machine gun, but the reallyneat thing is the new mutation system, every week valve is going to mix it up and and a twist on a gameplay mode for instance this weeks mutation is Realism versus, its preety much both teams against each other but the zombies or as they are called in the game "infected" have the advangte because the survivors can't see each other when the are dragged away.

for me this new mutation isnt that exciting but the new ones down the track will be way more fun.

at the end of the month those smelly politicians are working whether to bring in an R18+ rubber stamp of aprovel for games if so valve will update L4D2 straight away with full gore. but im glad I bought the game on day one straight way because the 2 games are oh so fun.

untill next time chumps see you next time.

sheep. :D

Level 27

phew level 27 wow.

getting to 30 very soon ZOMG!

nothing really to say.

just that jiberish!!!

take care dudes on gamespot,

sheep :D

I miss Sarah Kerrigans Green Eyes and Dreadlocks

Ah Starcraft its like the perfect RTS but to get the full experience you gotta be Pro like a korean who plays for a career.

Ok ive been sarcastic enough, Recently I have been in a Starcraft mood after going to a lan and playing mostly Starcraft and I did majorly bad, Im a n00b at Starcraft im ok with Terran but bad with Zerg and Protoss, I alot of people I played with were some big winners of the Starcraft pro circuit and have even played Against Legionnaire the #1 dude in Australia.

Alas playing Starcraft I went in a comp to win a beta key in the C devision which was the n00bish people I lost majorly as stated before but in the sake of fun. and when found out the news about the Starcraft II collectors edition the fans went nuts.

well thats really all I had to say dudes but my fun w/e

I hope for the skool kids in oz, g/l going back to school.

and the people of 18 whatever your doing g/l

as for myself im back of to school in my degree studying in Multimedia which is oh so fun.

till next time.


My Top 25 bands of all time Part 4

Hey all this is the final part of my fav bands I hope you enjoyed it all.

If you missed out on the others check the first 3 parts just down below.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

well this is it...

3. Metallica

With the rise of metal growing and growing, it got so far...but that was not enough one band came out of the shadows MetallicA! thrash metal won the world in the 80's but Metallica was the king, with such hits as Master of Puppets, Fade to Black, One ,man the list goes on, Todays metallica feels stale and lost the rage they had back in the mid to early 90's but Metallica will go down in history as the most legendary band in rock history well the name stands out for them ya know Metal-lica???

2. Rage Against The Machine

Rage Against the Machine earned acclaim from disenfranchised fans (and not insignificant derision from critics) for their bombastic, fiercely polemical music, which brewed sloganeering leftist rants against corporate America, cultural imperialism, and government oppression into a Molotov cocktail of punk, hip-hop, and thrash. And thats why I like them so much, they proved so much, The music is like a bomb with message, I also love Tom Morello as a guitarist some people think his sound is shocking, but I love the alternative feel every squeak and rattle, and zack is one of the greatest rappers of all time, If you ever get the chance to see rage live you will be blown away, the most insaine mosh pit ever, Make sure you stick out you middle finger and make a fist!

Well this is the #1 band can you guess?


Iron Maiden is my fav band of all time for many reasons

-The solos knock my socks off
-Bruce knows how to put on a good show
-myths and legends

Iron never made critical acclaim but the force of fans spanning three generations is enough for this band to keep growing from strength to stength. Every album they bring out has songs to suite any rock fan, ballards, rock tracks, solo busters its got it all, the albums are a highlight for me with eddie ripping it up from killing the devil him self to wrecking havoc in a brave new world, The line up is great from Bruce to Niko, The fan service is what keeps making iron maiden alive, and thats what makes a great band in the struggle in a money driven world and I bet Iron Maiden put on a great realisitic show comparted to Rhianna. Iron maiden would have to be an insperation to every person the metal music tree.


Well there you have it, I hope you enjoyed my journey of my 25 fav bands,

I also hope all you dudes have a great easter!

Sheep. ;)

My top 25 bands Part 3

Hi guys, we are coming to the end, after so many punk bands I thin this time the last couple will be a bit differnt.

so here we go...

10. Blink 182

One of the first bands I got into was Blink 182, I loved the music video for all the small things, I laughed every time I saw it and still do to this day, Alot of of friends who are into metal gave me a hard time, but eh...Blink 182 rose to the scene in the 90's with the teenage anthem Damnit on the album dude ranch, in 2000 Blink 182 ruled the world with their album Enema of the state. Travis Barker is probaly my fav drummer of all time, He is the reason I took up drumming.

9. Tool

the guys in tool arnt just musisions, They are artists, When I heard Tool for the first time I was disturbed, but after awhile they grew on me. I love the sounds of guitar screachs from Adam jones with Maynard James,Keenans creepy voices.Tools greatest achivment was to introduce underground dark rock with the power of art in their songs and music videos, Yeah the music videos are insaine!

8. System Of A Down

With the rise of Alternative Metal System of a Down took the train along with everyone else but had a taste of sarcasium in their songs, They took the boom with their debout self titiled album but really they became mega rock stars with the album Toxicity.

7. The Offspring

The Offspring was probaly the band that got me into music, sadly It was from the song Preety fly for a white guy (its a lame song) but Offi has other great songs, I fell in love with the album Smash it has the teenage anthems Come Out and Play and selfesteem, One of the huge Punk bands for a generation!

6. Foo Fighters

With the rise and fall of Nirvana, Dave Groul set off to start a new project which later became the Foo Fighters, the thing that I think made Foo Fightersso huge with the fans was they had a type of song everybody could like from the soft hits like Big Me, Learn To Fly to Hard smashers like Monkeywrench and One By One, Also the Foo Fighters was the first band Isaw life which is a true memory I will never forget.

5. At The Drive In

Before the Mars Volta took of At The Drive In was the band Cedric Bixlur(vocals)and Omar Rodrigues (guitar) were a part of. They were the band of many elements of speed and alternative riffs. They only bought out three albums,The band did not get along very well. but I think Atthe Drive in will be one band to be remembered with one big hit...One Armed Scissor.

4. The Smashing Pumpkins

With the rise of Alternative rock in the 90's the Pumpkins were one of the legends that still live today. I loved the pumpkins charge of dark heavy songs to mixing it up with beutiful ballads. Corgan had an excellent voice, it was so bizare and his guitar tunings was amazing, After a decade of rulling the scence, the band went their seperate ways, and now making a come back I dont think the new members can be replaced. Truly one of the greatest bands in rock history, they inspired so much.

My top 25 bands Part 2

18. Faith No More

With their fusion of heavy metal, funk, hip-hop, and progressive rock, Faith No More has earned a substantial cult following. but when they reached the 90's they were master of alternative rock, After many lead singers including Courtney love at one point, they finally found Mike Patten which helped bring the band to the main stream, with some cool hits like Epic, Midlife Crisis and Arabian Disco you really feel rock can be combinded to gother.

17. Garbage

Garbage at the time was considered as ant-pop, the band had the same sound but they lyrics were apparently disturbing and dark. A young Scottish vixen and some rock legends team up together to combine a new wave of music, Garbage used the ****of 80's underground alterative bands such as Sonic Youth, My Bloody Valentine and The Pixies, I think the song Only happy when it rains a rock anthem

16. Less Than Jake

formed in 1992 as a power pop trio with heavy punk leanings, Less Than Jake steadily transformed into a ska-inspired punk band with the addition of a horn section, Less Than Jake, Followed the traits of most ska/pop type bands made their songs very ideal such as Plastic cup Polotics adding a dimension of teenage confusion with the sence of pop culture.

15. The Distillers

The hardcore punk outfit the Distillers first came together in late 1998, and sadly ended in 2005 with the band splitting of to do there own thing, Brody Dole (Vocals) sang about moving from Australia and getting messed up in the punk culture. Its such a shame this band split up with only bringing out 3 albums.

14. Social Distortion

ial D was one of the big punk bands to rise up from the California scene in the 80's, The band has had many changes but The main man Mike Ness (vocals & guitar) has stayed to keep the band running, Ness's music influance has to be the most bizzare from his love of johnny cash which the band did a cover version of Ring of Fire.

13. Rise Against

With a new era of newpunk bands come into the blue, Rise against were of the new bands the used aharcore influance from bands like black flag, andthe misfits, Tim Mcalith I think is a great punk rock singer, every album they bring out gets better and better, All though swing life away was rubbish boys!


At the end of the 80's metal was coming to an end, Grunge and Alternative rock were rising from the shadows, It all changed within 1994, Korn bought the world of metal back onto the scene, I remember reading about some kid got suspended from a school for whereing a Korn T-shirt WTF? anyways Korns music was somthing that got methough my teen years, But after Take alook in the mirror I felt the band went down the toilet. Still Korn is One unique band.

11. Guns and Roses

At a time when pop was dominated by dance music and pop, Guns N' Roses brought raw, ugly rock & roll crashing back into the charts. They were not nice boys; nice boys don't play rock & roll, To put it simply I think Guns and roses were the last true rock act, Why do I say were? cause when slash left the band I felt the band died, Axle Rose is an Ididot, but when they were huge they were amazing.

well dudes thats part 2 out of the way, I hope you enjoyed it, your probaly punked out :D Part 3 & 4 will be soon so LOOK OUT!


God Of War III finished

I Finally finishedGod Of War III, I enjoyedit more than the 2nd one but the 1st game is the best in the series.

I felt the ending wasnt as dramatic. I hope we dont see a new game really, cause it was the perfect triliogy of games, A bit like back to the future.

My top 25 bands Part 1

Hi all I felt like kicking of my top bands and letting you get the feel of some killer bands from many differnt ranges of rock.

ok lets rock & roll.

25. The Subways

The Subways are little band I discoverd at a festival, After checking them out I thought they were amazing, A mixture of grunge, punk and indi rock makes for amazing mosh pit experince, all in the name of fun. I think they are a very underated band.

24. Bullet For My Valentine

Bullet is one of those bands of the last decades you call under "metalcore" but they keep the mainstream 80's thrash metal feel, with fast guitar work with the breakdowns of todays bands. I went to see them live with Avenged Sevenfold and I was washed away with bullet while I thought Avenged Sevenfold was ok, Give bullet a few more years and they will be up there with the big boys of metal.

23. Anthrax

Being apart of the big 4 of Thrash metal, Anthrax followed the trait of speed and raw vocals but keep it a bit down to earth and humorou. Its such a shame Joey Belladonna (vocals) had to leave.

22. L7

An all female band, and just as Bada$$ as the boys. L7 rose up along other big 90's alternative acts like nirvana and peral jam, but these chick bought there own world across, They never made it big as other alternative but for me I rank them as a tribute that chicks can be rockers also, and If I grew up with L7 (I was only about 5 when grunge was big) I would of had a crush for Donita Sparks (vocals)

21. Nirvana

If you have never heard of Nirvana you must be blind, They preety were the band that summed up grunge music, yes they are overated but with a good cause the Album Nevermind is a great album, Its a mixture of raw 80's punk and early grunge ****bands, I always wonder what would happen if Kurt was still alive?

20. The Living End

Being a kid growing up in Australia suck because a lot of bands never hit our shores or if they do it ends up being a life time, Im looking at you Metallica :evil: anyways Iget some local talent that knows how to rock,in the 90's I fell in love with a song called Prisoner of Society it blew me away, now looking back no other living end song can come close but I love them all, Its interesting how the band used there influance of old school 50's rock adding the raw power of punk. If you ever get the chance see them live you wont regret it.

19. Motorhead

Motorhead? If you dont know them you stink, rock music was never the same after this band came into the scene in the 70's, It was the start of speed on guitars and growling voices. It lead to kids who couldent sing had a chance to growl in the microphone. Any Motorhead album I buy I find sounds the same but in a good way cause its all awesome.

Well thats it for now, your gonna have to tune in for the next few days for the next part.


Hey all, I have had a buys last few days, It was my best friends birthday today and on that note another great friend of mine his mum passed away, It was good to catch of with old school friends and teachers for that matter.

I was hoping to kick of my top 50 games, but I will save that for the next day or two.

I have neally finished God of War III, I can feel the ending coming to a close.

later dudes. :)


Kratos is one bad Mother

Yeah I got God of War III today is so radicool, I dont really get excited, but I was likea 7 year old kid getting so excited going into a toy store or somthing.

Kratos is 100% more Angry than the last two games.

I have only played the game for about an hour so far...Amazing!

Pluse I gots myself a T-shirt along with it. Its sexy :D

I hope everyone else who has or is getting this game will enjoy it.