Had it for a few months now and I'm on my 2nd time through on chapter 2-1 and it's already like second nature to me. I actually split my TV screen (yay widescreen) and watched Spongebob and played at the same time . . . to tell you the truth I payed more attention to Spongebob than the game because I was just owning everything in the game . . . still a great game though.
Seriously . . . even though it's asking a lot out of Metroid Prime it seems that multiplayer online or at least split screen 4-player is going to be standard. By now shooters almost require co-op but I doubt it would be on metroid considering that metroid is a first-person-adventure and not a first-person-shooter in the traditional sense. I'm looking forward to more story and characters and also the addition of voice-acting. Also they need to improve graphics which is most likely what the intial delay till June was for. And I assume that the delay now past June is to improve/add multiplayer. Alse the difficulty needs to be toned down and the game needs to be more shooting and less exploring. I know that most of us don't want this but the game must be open to wider audiences who enjoy shooting and not the tedious yet fun traditions of the first two . . . we'll see
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