It is definitely plausible. Remember MS was going to launch a more powerful Xbox last year and then an even better one this year. Sony have been loving using the 'Worlds most powerful console' stamp and they are not going to want to give that up for too long. whatever comes next it will almost certainly be backwards compatible with PS4. It wouldn't surprise me if Sony announced a new console at PSX i.e Right before scorpio launches.
@jai_86: Not to piss on your bonfire but Scorpio will still have locked 30fps games I am sure of that. Yes, some developers may use the extra power for increasing the frame rate, but a lot of them will just be looking for a visual upgrade as that is easier to sell to the mainstream I.E Look how pretty this game is compared to the X1 version.
Don't get me wrong I hope developers do target 60fps, and then use whatever overhead they have left to increase graphics, but I am not holding my breath. Hopefully games will go the route of having a framerate option in the menu and let people choose their preferred setting.
@deviltaz35: Yeah I feel the same. If a game is meant to be 30fps then make sure it runs at 30fps. I just don't understand the decision to use the extra power for increased resolution, Especially knowing the game regularly drops below the target fps. First priority should be locking it to 30 fps and THEN if there is any overhead increase graphics/resolution. If the hadn't patched the game for PRO then boost mode would have probably helped but that isn't even an option.
I am really enjoying playing on PC but I still enjoy console gaming just for the ease of use and social aspect. When Destiny 2 drops though I will be putting a lot more time into pc gaming.
@otwido: Yeah not really. Any gamers that are wanting the lowest input lag will buy a monitor, But there are TV's out there that have acceptable input lag. Most 2016/17 Samsung TV's have around 19-22ms which is fine for most people. I have a Benq monitor and a Samsung TV and the difference of 10ms is negligible. Not to mention the fact that not everyone plays fighter/fps games which is where you need the faster display.
@deviltaz35: True, But if developers are not releasing their games stable then it doesn't really help. A perfect example is The Division. Even on the PRO it has a really inconsistent framerate. They patched the game with higher resolution and a 4K UI but it still runs choppy. Why not use the extra power to improve the framerate, Or leave it unpatched so the boost mode can improve it. Like I said, I just hope games that are released later in the year use the power more effectively.
@Antarte: PS4 PRO is not the PS4 successor. Also The reason that there weren't as many multiplatform games is because the PS2 was so hard to develop for. These days with all the consoles on x86 architecture it is a lot easier to port between platforms.
Like I said, People like yourself have been saying the console is dying since PC's had the AMD thunderbird cpu. Consoles are not going anywhere. They may become modular which I fully support but they will still be there in one form or another. PS4 is selling A LOT better than PS3 so how do you even convince yourself of its decline?
P.S why would I notice the hard way? I have a Gaming PC as well so it is a win win for me. I can also clearly see that you will not think any other way than you are, so I give up. I have genuinely forgotten the point you were actually trying to make. PC's are superior? Who knows but good look with it.
@Antarte: Lifetime sales!! The PS2 figures you mention are over a 12 year period. Not to mention the fact that it is the best selling console ever.
How has the PS4 sales passed? It is still keeping pace with the PS2 in the same period which like I said is the best selling console of all time. That is like saying that the Ferrari f40 sold 30 million within 10 years but the Ferrari 488 has only sold 9 million within three years. So Ferrari must not be as popular. If you are going to compare then it needs to be within the same time frame.
Even the Xbox one is selling better than the Xbox 360 did in the same period. sales are up 30 percent over last generation which is not a decline in anybody's book.
@Antarte: Not really a fair comparison to count lifetime sales of all consoles. PS2 sold around 51.2 units In the same timeframe and PS3 around 22.9. So in that respect the PS4 is doing fantastic. Before the PS4 launched analysts predicted the home console was dead and wouldn't sell lol
@Antarte: If that is what you want then play on PC. Consoles fit a specific purpose which makes them convenient for a lot of people. I have both, as I am sure many others do too.
@zisek: Let's be honest, It isn't a stupid argument. I am sure Scorpio could run games at high/ultra settings but NOT at 2160p. The majority of developers are going to push for higher resolutions rather that higher settings. I suppose we are both speculating, But I can't see Microsoft running many games at 1080p after pitching the Scorpio as a true 4K games machine. Which means they will probably be the same settings I.e lighting/Textures with 2160p resolution.
shortmaneighty2's comments