I really like this game. People are complaining to much about a couple of liner moments in the game, which honestly are not that often and when you get back to the open ended parts you completely forget. Overall this game is great. I love the Hitman games alot,, and while this is not my favorite one, i still think this is just as good as any of the previous games. 7.5 is good, but really, 8.0 seems a little more appropriate considering the review. .5 might not be that big of a difference but that .5 tells me that this game is worth getting being a fan. Regardless I'm extremely happy with this game. Lets hope they take the criticisms from this game and they make these games even better from here on out.
Eh... I have been looking for something other than a Wii mote to hook up to my tablet, so as long as this thing does not need to be rooted to work I would buy it. But I would never hook my tablet up to a TV that's just stupid and pointless.
I would rather play this on PC but either way I am playing it when it comes out. I don't hate console gaming and I loved RDR too much to pass this up, but I will sign anyway. Its a smart move and I want R* to do well because there a great developer.
This petition seem's a little pointless though, I am pretty sure they were gonna release it for PC anyway. If anything this will encourage them to make it a good port this time at least.
Nice to see the Vita Selling. There is finally enough games for it to warrant a purchase and while I missed out on the 200$ black Friday deal I still plan on buying one very soon.
MGS 4 was amazing and felt like a great conclusion to the series. END STORY.
Kojima's other games have all been fantastic. Snatcher is still one of my favorite games ever and ZOE 2 was amazing. So if you would just stop making MGS and do something new then I along with many other's would be completely on board.
Casualties have been much greater with this current generation of consoles to worry about transitions at this point. With 7 years of back-logged games on PS3 and 360 there is way too much competition with not only new games but used games as well. It's why mid-tier games have almost completely disappeared. With new consoles there will be much less competition for developers to deal with so they will be willing to take more risks instead of just release the same old tried and true crap. People will buy shiny new games for there shiny new console regardless if they are really good or just ok due to lack of games for the system, and (hopefully) all will be well again.
shureshot24's comments