My only console is the Gamecube and that collects dust while I play my DS daily.
shyacoustic's forum posts
I have the rumble pack but it came with my game of Metroid Pinball. I haven't really
used the Rumble pack that much. This game along with Elite Beat Agents are the games
that I've use the Rumble for, but when I play those games I usually play without the Rumble.
If you don't have Metroid Pinball yet I think you can get that game cheap and it should
come with the rumble pack (it's also a great game). I personally don't think it's worth
buying the rumble pack, but I guess it would depend on how many games you have that would use the rumble
Professor Layton A game that has an interesting story and challenging puzzles
Clubhouse Games With 42 games and replayability it's a great value
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney I'm on the last case and will miss this when I finish
I have heard there are many glitches on the Star Wars II game and therefore I would
think it would not be an enjoyable playing experience. I have the Complete Saga and the graphics
look amazing but the downside is that I can't save just anywhere in the game, you have
to complete a level before you can save.
Hi again, just wanted to say thanks to those who have read my post and responded.
It's nice to hear from people who appreciate the DS and also glad to know that other's use their DS daily.
Hello eveyone, I had a Gameboy and still have the GBA. Also have a Gamecube that
just collects dust while I play my DS Phat daily. Love the fact that I can take my DS
anywhere, even play occasionally during my lunch break at work. I'm 46 (female) and enjoy a
variety of games but especially enjoy games that stimulate my mind (at my age want to
keep my memory fresh, hehe). My DS games run the gamut from AOE Age of Kings, ANNO 1701;
Phoenix Wright, Touch Memory, Trauma Center; Professor Layton, Zelda Hourglass;
Lego Star Wars Complete Saga; Clubhouse, Touchmaster; Metroid Pinball; Elite Beat Agents,
GH On Tour and more. Love the touch screen (what an innovation when DS first came out)
most of my games are ones that utilize the stylus and find my hands don't ache the way
that mashing buttons does. Playing my DS takes me into a world of fantasy and allows
me to escape from my worries in life at least while playing. I would be content even if Nintendo
did not make another version of the DS. I will keep playing my Phat till it dies out and then
will buy a Lite. It's great that the DS is GBA compatible, with the Phat it's nice that my GBA
games don't stick out. The DS has met my expectations of what I want from a gaming device,
just to focus on games and nothing more. I realize some people which for better graphics
but I've been happy with many of the graphics on my games and feel that graphics are not
everything, but having a well thought out game can be even more important. Thanks Nintendo
for making my gaming experience an enjoyable one. I plan on gaming till I'm no longer on
this earth and feel age is just a number anyway, lol. I'm not sure anyone will read this post due
to the length but just wanted to express my happiness on why I love my DS.
Hi everyone, just wish they would keep DS games in stock longer than they do. When I want
to buy certain DS games I feel pressured to buy it quickly because I don't know how long the
game will be in stock. For instance I can't find Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - Justic
for All (have the first and 3rd game of this installment) nor can I find Hotel Dusk in any stores.
It seems like certain DS games are kept around only for a short period of time and then you are
out of luck in terms of getting the game from a store. I'm not always ready to get a game
when it first comes out but later on would like to buy it. I would love to just be able to go into any
store or even on Amazon and just be able to get the game. I know on Amazon they have 3rd party
sellers but I want to be able to get a game at the original price and not have to pay way over that
price. I love the DS and I think they have some truly original games for this platform, just wish they
would stock games for years so one could go anywhere and find a copy. Just wondered what other people
thought. Thanks for listening
Thanks for your reply. I guess I was hoping that maybe I missed something and there was a way to
just save the game at any spot during gameplay. So far I have only reached one level and it took me
a while to get to that point, I was closing my ds and just going back until I finally finished that level. Just
wish they would have made this game where you could save anywhere
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