damit why all the game company go with same phase. by seeing the middle earth trailer its more likely to be LOL, dota, smith style games i play lol and dota but another game with the same concept that sucks developers needs to think and innovate things. They are just recreating the same concept. what they think is if they make a clone they can make profit. they put all the investment staffing and everything in it. If it fails then the guys who put there hard work they loose there jobs. they call it as layoff. stupid concept game company need to think before investing . How long we people can accept the same clone version.
@nathan24jack According to many review the game which receives 9 or 10 it should have a good story line, graphics, good combat, no glitches, what ever. for me a game which is fun and engaging is a good game. this transformers is a really good game I have enjoyed a lot not only me lot of other GS guys enjoyed a lot so I am sure this game to get a 7.5 or 7 if its reviewed by him not more then that.
his comments will be like below.
even though the game has excellent graphics and a engaging game. The story line and linear combat system and the same multiplayer are the reason for 7 or 7.5. whatever brother I will bye this game any how :D
We cant expect a huge change in the visuals because its very hard to see the difference between vsync x4 and x16 so this gen console can run for another 2 to 3 years solid. Right now there is no need for next gen console if it get delayed i don't bother
shyamorama2's comments