@JohnF111 Agreed, would have been nice a lineup of main characters and then one of random NPCs instead of this mismatched grouping of character models.
@LimitBreak_LVL4 I'm not 100% sure why gamespot didn't show the first three games, but I think it's because the last 4 were all built using the same engine (the engine Infinity Ward developed for CoD4), and they wanted to show how much it's changed over the last 3 years. Just a theory. @UBERxL33T Totally. Did you see IGN's review of it? Major Fail.
Oh side note (and graphics aside): I think the in-game facial animations were pretty damned good in Black Ops. I wasn't really impressed with that aspect of any of the previous games so it was nice to see a step in the right direction.
Well it's all the same engine. IMHO MW2 and BO textures look pretty much the same, with the exception of lighting and bump mapping tweaks. Also the colors used in black ops are a lot more subdued overall, which was probably Treyarch's way of making the game seem darker and grittier (All that gore certainly helped as well xD).
@Jettero-Heller: Dragon Age does look like crap on the consoles, surprisingly so. I mean It's no shock that (with most games) the PC version has a slight upper hand when it comes to textures and visuals, but with Dragon Age its an extremely noticeable difference.
Oh yeah, thankful for YOU AS WELL gamespot, You're dedication to bringing me the news I crave in a continually upgrading and expanding website ROX MY WORLD! :D
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